iPick Up The Sticks

iPick Up The Sticks

iPick Up The Sticks

Finally the classic mental skill game that has been a favorite for many generations and ages is available for your device!To begin the game, a bundle of sticks are somewhat randomly distributed so that they end up in a tangled pile. The game is over when the last stick is removed. The winner is the player with the highest number of sticks picked up.?Game Modes:? Arcade: Try finishing the complete pile of items.? Addictive: In a short period of time try to pick as many items.? Time limit: You got 1 minute to collect as many coins as you can by picking up the items.? You can customize the theme...


iPick Up The Sticks

Finally the classic mental skill game that has been a favorite for many generations and ages is available for your device!To begin the game, a bundle of sticks are somewhat randomly distributed so that they end up in a tangled pile. The game is over when the last stick is removed. The winner is the player with the highest number of sticks picked up.?Game Modes:? Arcade: Try finishing the complete pile of items.? Addictive: In a short period of time try to pick as many items.? Time limit: You got 1 minute to collect as many coins as you can by picking up the items.? You can customize the theme...

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for iPick Up The Sticks (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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