Backyard Monsters: Unleashed
Backyard Monsters: Unleashed
Backyard Monsters: Unleashed
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Backyard Monsters: Unleashed (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Use guns, walls, and traps and defend your base. The Sniper Tower and Rail Gun attacks enemy units when they are in range. Walls deter enemies into taking other routes or slow them as they are broken down. Traps are invisible until triggered, at which point they will damage enemies. Place your Town Hall and Silos in the center and surround them with weapons and traps. Then surround that entire area with walls. If your base is destroyed, you will become immune to further attacks for a short while. You can use this time to rebuild your defenses and put together another squad. If you attack another human player, your base can be attacked again. Allow the Mushrooms to grow and create natural walls that will help keep enemies away.
Monster buildings
Your Yard can hold three Monster buildings. The Monster Locker is where various classes of monsters are unlocked and upgraded. The Hatchery is where you will convert Goo into monsters. Housing is where your created monsters will be stored and deployed for battles. Goo generators will become very important structures. Have two high level Goo generators and one high level building of each resource gatherer. Position them in the middle of the map and surround them by other buildings to distract attackers. Those other buildings should consist of low level resource gatherers, the Town Hall and all the other buildings you can currently create. Place walls and defense towers around the protected buildings.
The fastest way to build your resources is to attack other players.
Town Hall
Your Town Hall's level limits what you can build and other unlockables. A lot of resources or Shiny is required to upgrade your Town Hall.
Build and upgrade the Twig Snapper as much as possible. Its resources are used frequently. Upgrade the Town Hall to level two as soon as possible. Unlock the Bolt as soon as possible. They will target resource building and is useful when looting other players. Use a combination of Pokeys and Bolts to get as many resources as possible.