Amazing Ninja

Amazing Ninja

Amazing Ninja

Amazing Ninja


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Amazing Ninja (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Time your attacks against red ninjas. Consistently tapping attack will not always work.

Enemy ninjas

  • Slash through red ninjas; you cannot jump over them. They will chop you if you move past them. Red ninjas also will always be standing still, forcing you to approach them.
  • Jump over blue ninjas. Blue ninjas will be actively run towards you. Harming a blue ninja will end the game. If you try to run past them, it will force a collision that kills you both.


  • Learn how to time your jumps to survive. You can also use double jumps to correct a mistimed jump.
  • Watch the right side of the screen to learn which type of platforms are approaching. The very narrow platforms will require earlier jumps to navigate.
  • When landing a jump, you will not be able to attack momentarily. Give yourself enough space between your landing location and any upcoming enemies so you can recover from the jump.


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