


Abyss is an original strategic puzzle game with Tetris-like game play that challenges you to rearrange colored pieces by sliding them horizontally and vertically to create a path for your pearls across the abyss. You can tilt your phone to maneuver the pearls down the path, but be careful; you must balance them so they don't fall into the abyss. Different sound and theme options make this game fun and appealing!Abyss has a simple concept but tests your strategy and problem solving skills by increasing the difficulty of each level as you progress. The high score is recorded, so you can compete...



Abyss is an original strategic puzzle game with Tetris-like game play that challenges you to rearrange colored pieces by sliding them horizontally and vertically to create a path for your pearls across the abyss. You can tilt your phone to maneuver the pearls down the path, but be careful; you must balance them so they don't fall into the abyss. Different sound and theme options make this game fun and appealing!Abyss has a simple concept but tests your strategy and problem solving skills by increasing the difficulty of each level as you progress. The high score is recorded, so you can compete...

Concrete Software
Concrete Software
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)

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Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Abyss (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Abyss (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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