Start a race and select the inside-the-car view. PressA + LS + Up on controller two to change views.The interior of the car will disappear and will be replaced witha color-coded band. Press A + LS + Up totoggle display of the status icon and rear view within the color-codedband.
The programming staff can be seen looking down fromone of the early bridges in the City track.
Note: A disc is required to use the following codes.
To hear each car horn, press X on the selectscreen when each car is displayed.
Press P during a race to display the coursemap. Press C to zoom in on the track.
From the main menu, enter the options menu. Highlight"Skill Level", then quickly hold X + RS+ LS + A (in order). The skill level indicator willturn from yellow to pink to confirm correct code entry. Trafficand police will be removed from each track. No records will besaved in this mode.
Race the X-Man in any car for at least ten seconds(indexed on the radar detector). Press P and select the"Instant Replay" option. Rewind in replay mode to thebeginning of the race. Press RS + Down + Bon controller two. Return to the race, press P and selectthe "Quit" option. The scooter will inherit some ofthe characteristics of the car selected for the X-Man.
During a replay, press LS and RS to tiltthe camera angle in all views except in-car.
Start a race and press LS + RS + Leftduring the loading screens. Press P and select the "Quit"option. Start a race and during the loading screens, press LS+ RS + Up. Press P and select the "Quit"option. Start a race and during the loading screens, press LS+ RS + Right. Press P and select the "Quit"option. Start a race and during the loading screens, press LS+ RS + Down. Start the race. Press X to forceall cars to crash.
Start a race and immediately press LS + RS+ Up on controller two and LS + RS + A+ C on controller three. "Car Crashed" will appearon the screen to confirm correct code entry. Press P andselect the "Quit" option. In subsequent races, enginetorque and power will be increased by 20% for the faster carsand 30% for the slower cars.