Complete the following achievements to unlock XboxLive Gamerscore points.
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Once you reach the level where you can use all fourturtles at once, you must begin to build relationship with yourbrothers. Do this by using your brother throw but, take turnswho is doing the throw. For example, Leo throws Ralph and viceversa, Don throws Mikey. Successful brother throws will buildtheir relationship then you can use their double team attacks.However failed throws will make them mad at you, and they willgo away and you must win their trust again. Raphael tends to bethe one that you make mad most often.
Getting an "A" in working with your brothers is verysimple. When you are fighting, use the turtle's special move thenfight until more enemies appear. Switch turtles and do the samething until all enemies are defeated.
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At the main menu screen hold LB and enter the code, then release LB. You should hear a sound to confirm you entered the code right.
In the Boss fight where you must defeat the Shredder,instead of focusing on the many Shredder clones, try fightingthe real Shredder. He just stands still while his clones fightyou. One attack that works well is Don's team move that shocksany enemy near its radius. Approach him close and use it. It willshock the clones and him, and he will not be able to attack. Changeto Raphael because he fights the hardest and attack the Shreddera few times until he recovers. When he recovers repeat the stepsuntil he is defeated. After this level the Foot clan, use a similartactic when a Foot commander calls in more Foot ninjas as youdefeat them. Use the same tactic on him. If you do not he willoverwhelm you with hordes of Foot ninjas.
Hold LB and press B, Y, A,X at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
In about the first five levels, it is easy to get theother three special move achievements. However, even though theNightwatcher is Raph's alter ego, the game recognizes them astwo totally different characters. If you used his Power Climbwhile playing as the Nightwatcher and wondered why you did notget the achievement, it is simply because you were not playingas Raph (even though, technically you were) and the game saw youas the Nightwatcher.
The following extras are available.
There is a laser beam that is fired in the chamberabout every 90 seconds. You have that long to reach a chamberthat will protect you from the laser beam. Each time you reachone of these doorways that protects you from the laser, it opensa checkpoint. First, if you are not already using Raphael switchto him now. You have a far jump to the first platform and althoughyou could use Mikey's helicopter move it takes too long. To savetime, do a team jump to this platform. You will see two red pipeswith a narrow gap between them. Bird jump between them to thetop of the next platform, then jump from platform to platformand step through the first doorway. As time grows short, the platformswill give way. You must be fast. Once the platforms give, thelaser will fire and that is instant death. Also the doorway hasa cage door on it closes while this is happening. You must getup to the top platform and into that door before the cage locksyou out. Once the cage opens, jump the next platforms and youwill get to a bird jump like the previous spot between the redpipes. You will now be on a platform that will have a power climbfor Raphael to climb up. Climb the top and jump to the next platformthat has the protection for you to make it to the next check point.You now have ledges that you must scale up along with the platformsto jump on. Instead of jumping to the next platform, run acrossthe wall and land near or on the first ledge to climb. Jump upto that ledge to the longer one above it. Move to the end of thatledge and jump on to the swinging poles that are near it, thenquickly swing across all three poles to reach another platform.Jump onto the ledges above it then scale across the wall and reachthe final platform.