The new NT video game uses the same dark and dangerous environments and adventurous themes featured in the new NT CGI film being developed by Imagi Animation Studios and Mirage Licensing. The NT movie takes place in a New York City plagued by secretive villains and strange, otherworldly creatures. Faced with these perils, the Turtles will experience their most trying time as heroes and as a family, as Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo lose their focus and struggle to maintain their unity and ninja discipline.



The new NT video game uses the same dark and dangerous environments and adventurous themes featured in the new NT CGI film being developed by Imagi Animation Studios and Mirage Licensing. The NT movie takes place in a New York City plagued by secretive villains and strange, otherworldly creatures. Faced with these perils, the Turtles will experience their most trying time as heroes and as a family, as Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo lose their focus and struggle to maintain their unity and ninja discipline.

Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft
Ubisoft Montreal
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock XboxLive Gamerscore points.
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Mystical Jungle (20 points): Complete level 1.
Vigilantism (24 points): Complete level 2.
Techno Ninjutsu (28 points): Complete level 3.
Cowabunga Carl Getaway (32 points): Complete level 4.
Spirit of the Forest (36 points): Complete level 5.
Ninja Tag Time (40 points): Complete level 6.
The Game is the Foot (44 points): Complete level 7.
Foot trail (48 points): Complete level 8.
Tower Power (52 points): Complete level 9.
When the slime comes (56 points): Complete level 10.
O brother where art thou (60 points): Complete level 11.
Bite me! (64 points): Complete level 12.
All is Forgiven (68 points): Complete level 13.
Ninjas in the crypt (72 points): Complete level 14.
The Mysterious Leader (76 points): Complete level 15.
Winter's Secret (80 points): Complete level 16.
Get your first coin (15 points): Get your first coin.
Family Unit (15 points): Do a co-op move combination attack.
Used Mike's Special Move (30 points): Used Mike's special move.
Used Raph's Special Move (30 points): Used Raph's special move.
Used Leo's Special Move (30 points): Used Leo's special move.
Used Don's Special Move (30 points): Used Don's special move.
Clean Sweep (50 points): Complete a level without taking damage.

Building relationships

Once you reach the level where you can use all fourturtles at once, you must begin to build relationship with yourbrothers. Do this by using your brother throw but, take turnswho is doing the throw. For example, Leo throws Ralph and viceversa, Don throws Mikey. Successful brother throws will buildtheir relationship then you can use their double team attacks.However failed throws will make them mad at you, and they willgo away and you must win their trust again. Raphael tends to bethe one that you make mad most often.

Getting an "A" in working with your brothers is verysimple. When you are fighting, use the turtle's special move thenfight until more enemies appear. Switch turtles and do the samething until all enemies are defeated.
/* */

Cheat Codes

At the main menu screen hold LB and enter the code, then release LB. You should hear a sound to confirm you entered the code right.

Unlocks challenge map 2
Unlocks Don's big head goodie

Defeating the Shredder

In the Boss fight where you must defeat the Shredder,instead of focusing on the many Shredder clones, try fightingthe real Shredder. He just stands still while his clones fightyou. One attack that works well is Don's team move that shocksany enemy near its radius. Approach him close and use it. It willshock the clones and him, and he will not be able to attack. Changeto Raphael because he fights the hardest and attack the Shreddera few times until he recovers. When he recovers repeat the stepsuntil he is defeated. After this level the Foot clan, use a similartactic when a Foot commander calls in more Foot ninjas as youdefeat them. Use the same tactic on him. If you do not he willoverwhelm you with hordes of Foot ninjas.

Don's Big Head Goodie

Hold LB and press B, Y, A,X at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.


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