Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Volition Inc.
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

"The Duke" Customised Bootlegger

Complete all 80 stunt jumps.


Complete the indicated activities or tasks to unlock the corresponding reward.

Health regeneration 2x: Snatch level 3 in Chinatown.
Health regeneration 3x: Snatch level 6 in Chinatown.
Improved weapon accuracy (5%): Septic Avenger level 3 in Suburbs.
Improved weapon accuracy (15%): Septic Avenger level 6 in Suburbs.
Pumped up (increased melee damage): Fight Club level 3 in Arena.
Pumped up (more increased melee damage): Fight Club level 6 in Arena.
Reduced bullet damage (5%): Heli Assault level 3 in Bario.
Reduced bullet damage (15%): Heli Assault level 6 in Bario.
Reduced explosion damage (5%): Trail Blazing level 3 in Downtown.
Reduced explosion damage (15%): Trail Blazing level 6 in Downtown.
Reduced vehicle damage (5%): Insurance Fraud level 3 in Museum.
Reduced vehicle damage (15%): Insurance Fraud level 6 in Museum.
No fall damage: Perfect Base Jumping.
Sprint increased: Insurance Fraud level 3 in Factories.
Sprint increased (unlimited): Insurance Fraud level 6 in Factories.
Brotherhood melee: Brotherhood mission 6.
Brotherhood notoriety reduced: Trail Blazing level 3 in Apartments.
Brotherhood notoriety reduced: Trail Blazing level 6 in Apartments.
Police notoriety reduced: Fuzz level 3 in Suburbs.
Police notoriety reduced (more): Fuzz level 6 in Suburbs.
Ronin melee: Ronin mission 6.
Ronin notoriety reduced: Drug Trafficking level 3 in Hotel and Marina.
Ronin notoriety reduced (more): Drug Trafficking level 6 in Hotel and Marina.
Sons Of Samedi melee: Sons Of Samedi mission 6.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced: Escort or Snatch level 3 in University.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced (more): Escort or Snatch level 6 in University.


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock


Complete the indicated task in an online match to unlock the corresponding badge.

How to unlock

Blow-up doll

Go north from the lighthouse on the prison island. You will reach a large sewer pipe that will have graffiti on the sides. Go into the pipe to find a blow-up doll on a very dirty mattress. Note: It will disappear after awhile.

You can find a blow up doll drifting around in a waste dump on the Nuclear District.

Cheat Codes

Pause game play, then access the cell phone. Choose the "Dial" option, then enter one of the following numbers, including the # symbol, and press "Send". A message will confirm correct code entry. Then, go to "Cheats" and select the now unlocked option.

Phone number

Corporate Warfare: Achievements

How to unlock

Customization Items

Complete the indicated activities or tasks to unlock the corresponding reward.

Avenger jacket: "3 Gold Star" rank in Gang Kills.
Cowboy Hat: Complete all races in Stilwater.
Fireman outfit: Complete the Firefighter missions.
Pimp suit: Ho-ing in Red Light District.
Traffic cone hat: "3 Gold Star" rank in Vehicle Surfing.
Paintball mask: 30 muggings.
Zombie mask: Complete Zombie Uprising.
Bodyguards gang style: Progress through the game.
Ninjas gang style: Progress through the game.
Free Music track: 10 CDs.
Free Music track: 20 CDs.
Free Music track: 30 CDs.
Free Music track: 40 CDs.
Free Music track: 50 CDs.
Red Light apartment crib: Prologue mission 2.
Saints hideout: Prologue mission 3.
Chop shop: One Chop Shop list.
Brotherhood personality: Brotherhood mission 11.
Samedi personality: Sons Of Samedi mission 11.
Ronin personality: Ronin mission 11.

Defeating Akuji

To kill Akuji in the teahouse, use LT to counter his attacks. It does damage and knocks him down. When he is down, stab him twice quickly before he gets up. Repeat this until he has been killed.

Defeating Bosses

Before killing Bosses, take full rocket and rifle ammo from the Brotherhood mission when you are on the ship.



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