Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2

Volition Inc.
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

"The Duke" Customised Bootlegger

Complete all 80 stunt jumps.


Complete the indicated activities or tasks to unlock the corresponding reward.

Health regeneration 2x: Snatch level 3 in Chinatown.
Health regeneration 3x: Snatch level 6 in Chinatown.
Improved weapon accuracy (5%): Septic Avenger level 3 in Suburbs.
Improved weapon accuracy (15%): Septic Avenger level 6 in Suburbs.
Pumped up (increased melee damage): Fight Club level 3 in Arena.
Pumped up (more increased melee damage): Fight Club level 6 in Arena.
Reduced bullet damage (5%): Heli Assault level 3 in Bario.
Reduced bullet damage (15%): Heli Assault level 6 in Bario.
Reduced explosion damage (5%): Trail Blazing level 3 in Downtown.
Reduced explosion damage (15%): Trail Blazing level 6 in Downtown.
Reduced vehicle damage (5%): Insurance Fraud level 3 in Museum.
Reduced vehicle damage (15%): Insurance Fraud level 6 in Museum.
No fall damage: Perfect Base Jumping.
Sprint increased: Insurance Fraud level 3 in Factories.
Sprint increased (unlimited): Insurance Fraud level 6 in Factories.
Brotherhood melee: Brotherhood mission 6.
Brotherhood notoriety reduced: Trail Blazing level 3 in Apartments.
Brotherhood notoriety reduced: Trail Blazing level 6 in Apartments.
Police notoriety reduced: Fuzz level 3 in Suburbs.
Police notoriety reduced (more): Fuzz level 6 in Suburbs.
Ronin melee: Ronin mission 6.
Ronin notoriety reduced: Drug Trafficking level 3 in Hotel and Marina.
Ronin notoriety reduced (more): Drug Trafficking level 6 in Hotel and Marina.
Sons Of Samedi melee: Sons Of Samedi mission 6.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced: Escort or Snatch level 3 in University.
Sons Of Samedi notoriety reduced (more): Escort or Snatch level 6 in University.


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock


Complete the indicated task in an online match to unlock the corresponding badge.

How to unlock

Blow-up doll

Go north from the lighthouse on the prison island. You will reach a large sewer pipe that will have graffiti on the sides. Go into the pipe to find a blow-up doll on a very dirty mattress. Note: It will disappear after awhile.

You can find a blow up doll drifting around in a waste dump on the Nuclear District.


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