Area 51

Area 51

Area 51

A viral outbreak has shut down one of the US government's most secret and secure military facilities and all scientific and military personnel are locked inside. A small Special Forces unit, led by specialist Ethan Cole, is sent to investigate. As Cole, you'll delve into five expansive levels within the confines of Area 51, discovering a deadly mutagenic side effect of the virus as well as an ancient alien colony buried beneath the facility. With an array of human and alien weapons, you must explore conspiracies in order to solve the enigma of Area 51.


Area 51

A viral outbreak has shut down one of the US government's most secret and secure military facilities and all scientific and military personnel are locked inside. A small Special Forces unit, led by specialist Ethan Cole, is sent to investigate. As Cole, you'll delve into five expansive levels within the confines of Area 51, discovering a deadly mutagenic side effect of the virus as well as an ancient alien colony buried beneath the facility. With an array of human and alien weapons, you must explore conspiracies in order to solve the enigma of Area 51.

Midway Studios - Austin, Midway
Midway Studios - Austin
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Arcade cabinet

In the earlier stages of the game, there are a few cabinets of the original Area 51 arcade game, complete with red and blue light-guns.

Defeating Grays

To defeat Grays that use shields, mutate and fire parasites at them. It will bring down the shields faster than any other weapon in the game.

Defeating the Super Beast

When fighting the Super Beast, rather than running straight at him, run around in a circle. When he gets near an explosive barrel, shoot it. It does more damage then the BBG. Watch out for his plasma shooting arm as well. When you finish, Edgar will talk to you, and you get to see him.

Defeating the Thetas

The best way to defeat a Theta is to first mutate. Next, fire parasites; or if you want to take a chance, fire contagion to lay some heavy damage on him. Use contagion for heavy damage, but parasites also work well, especially because they heal you. When your mutagen runs low, run up and melee him and the enemies he releases on you. Keep doing this and he will eventually go down. This will take some time to accomplish and may be difficult at first.

Hard difficulty

Complete the game on normal difficulty to unlock the hard difficulty.

Interesting scans

During the training levels, scan everyone that you can. You will find some interesting equipment of the MPs, including adult diapers and condoms.

Moon Landing Conspiracy

When you reach "Lies of the Past: Checkpoint 4", you will ascend in an elevator. Exiting the elevator, you will see a replica of the Moon's surface, a model of the U.S. space suit, and a shuttle the United States used to reach the Moon. This is in reference to the Moon Landing Conspiracy, claiming that the U.S. never actually reached the Moon, and faked the landing to beat the Russians in the space race. The conspiracy was heavily debated, but ultimately rejected by the majority of opinions. Today, only a few people still claim the Moon landing was a hoax.

Reduce Damage When Falling From A High Place

As soon as you are about to fall, press the crouch button to reduce damage.

Sharks with machine gun heads

In the level "The Grays" proceed into the 4th room in the level, where you can see the monorail you entered the level from out the window. Push the computer console there and it will say "Lifter activated". Make your way back outside to the monorail, you can now stand on it. Run all the way to the back of it and you will be warped to a weird room with sharks that have machine guns attached to their heads.

Unlock Final Secret

Grab all the other secrets to unlock the final secret.

Unlock the Alien Multi-player Avatar

Beat the Campaign mode on the Hard difficulty setting to unlock an alien Gray as a selectable multi-player avatar.

Unlocking Secret Tapes

Scanning all five databank items in each stage yields one secret. Completing the game yields one secret.

Upgrading The Alien Grenade

In the stage Life or Death, there is a small key on a dead soldier in one of the lifts where Cole starts the stage. Grab it to open the small lockers in the stage. One of the small lockers in the first power conduit pit has a databank item that upgrades the alien grenade.



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