Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars

Sailing across uncharted seas, you and your party are in search of a legendary paradise called Dilmun - a place where the streets are paved with gold and no one wants for anything. However King Drake of Phoebus has declared all magic illegal - magickers have been slain or fled into exile. In retaliation, enemy islands have threatened to unleash their guardian dragons, the most destructive force in the world. While docked at a harbor in Dilmun, you are arerested on suspicion of spellcasting. Imprisoned and stripped of everything but your wits, you are sentenced to life in a cesspool called...


Dragon Wars

Sailing across uncharted seas, you and your party are in search of a legendary paradise called Dilmun - a place where the streets are paved with gold and no one wants for anything. However King Drake of Phoebus has declared all magic illegal - magickers have been slain or fled into exile. In retaliation, enemy islands have threatened to unleash their guardian dragons, the most destructive force in the world. While docked at a harbor in Dilmun, you are arerested on suspicion of spellcasting. Imprisoned and stripped of everything but your wits, you are sentenced to life in a cesspool called...

Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (JP)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Dragon Wars (Sharp X68000). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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