Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Prepare yourself for a grand adventure: Ultima IV, sixteen times larger than Ultima III, is a milestone in computer gaming. Lord British has produced a game to challenge, not only your physical and mental skills, but the true fabric of your character. The evil triad of Mondain, Minax, and the hellspawn Exodus, have been vanquished and peace reigns throughout the land of Britannia. Evil yet abounds, but in isolated pockets and in the hearts of men. A new age awaits the coming of one who can conquer evil on all frontiers through the mastery of both magic and the use of force. Daemons, dragons,...


Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Prepare yourself for a grand adventure: Ultima IV, sixteen times larger than Ultima III, is a milestone in computer gaming. Lord British has produced a game to challenge, not only your physical and mental skills, but the true fabric of your character. The evil triad of Mondain, Minax, and the hellspawn Exodus, have been vanquished and peace reigns throughout the land of Britannia. Evil yet abounds, but in isolated pockets and in the hearts of men. A new age awaits the coming of one who can conquer evil on all frontiers through the mastery of both magic and the use of force. Daemons, dragons,...

Origin, Pony Canyon
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (JP)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (Sharp X1). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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