Zingles Sudoku II

Zingles Sudoku II

Zingles Sudoku II

Zingles II Zingles, also known as Sudoku, is a simple yet highly addictive logic puzzle game. Simply complete the board ensuring that each row, each column and each sub-grid only contains one instance of each piece ? a Zingle piece !.At the start of a game a number of pieces are placed on the board. These are known as ?givens'. The remainder of the board contains blank squares for you to complete.You will need to use all your powers of deductive reasoning to solve the unlimited supply of boards that Zingles can generate. Zingles supports the ability to mark each board square with possible...


Zingles Sudoku II

Zingles II Zingles, also known as Sudoku, is a simple yet highly addictive logic puzzle game. Simply complete the board ensuring that each row, each column and each sub-grid only contains one instance of each piece ? a Zingle piece !.At the start of a game a number of pieces are placed on the board. These are known as ?givens'. The remainder of the board contains blank squares for you to complete.You will need to use all your powers of deductive reasoning to solve the unlimited supply of boards that Zingles can generate. Zingles supports the ability to mark each board square with possible...

ZingMagic Limited
ZingMagic Limited
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Zingles Sudoku II (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Zingles Sudoku II (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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