Dodecadent (5)
You have cleared 12 lines or more in one turn.
Expert (30)
You have completed the Radical variant.
Frenzy (5)
You have completed a game with an average TPM of 35 or more.
Master (20)
You have reached 100% Completion.
Millenium (30)
You have cleared 1000 Lines.
On A Roll (5)
You have completed a variant with novelty moves only (Cascades, Tetrises® or T-Spins).
Spinmaster (10)
You have performed 25 T-Spins.
Tenacious (30)
You have accumulated 90 minutes of play time.
Tetriminator (30)
You have performed 100 Tetrises®.
Waterfall (30)
You have performed 50 Cascade line clears.
Way Over (5)
You have cleared 44 or more lines in a variant.