Resco Guardians - Ultimate Collection

Resco Guardians - Ultimate Collection

Resco Guardians - Ultimate Collection

Resco Guardians Ultimate CollectionBecome the best pilot of the Guardians unit and protect the Earth from enemy attacks.In the first part you'll be assigned to a unit fighting for our safety over the ocean.Your task will be to learn to fly one of the best combat machines of the present and use your skills to prevent the enemy from fuel exploitation and further development.Operations:(Cold Wave / Iron Tree / Blue Wing)20 unique missions with briefing.Many unique ground enemies and ships.Numerous unique enemy planes. Multiple types of powerups.Highly detailed scrolling animated surface.Special...


Resco Guardians - Ultimate Collection

Resco Guardians Ultimate CollectionBecome the best pilot of the Guardians unit and protect the Earth from enemy attacks.In the first part you'll be assigned to a unit fighting for our safety over the ocean.Your task will be to learn to fly one of the best combat machines of the present and use your skills to prevent the enemy from fuel exploitation and further development.Operations:(Cold Wave / Iron Tree / Blue Wing)20 unique missions with briefing.Many unique ground enemies and ships.Numerous unique enemy planes. Multiple types of powerups.Highly detailed scrolling animated surface.Special...

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Resco Guardians - Ultimate Collection (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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