Hoop Notes myStats
Hoop Notes myStats is software designed for parents, coaches, scouts, or anyone else that wants to track individual basketball statics. Use myStats to track over 20 game and individual statics. Export games to a CSV file for use with your favorite spreadsheet program. If you are unsure if myStats will work on your device or if you just want to check out how easy it is to use, download the demo version and give it a try before you buy!
Hoop Notes myStats is software designed for parents, coaches, scouts, or anyone else that wants to track individual basketball statics. Use myStats to track over 20 game and individual statics. Export games to a CSV file for use with your favorite spreadsheet program. If you are unsure if myStats will work on your device or if you just want to check out how easy it is to use, download the demo version and give it a try before you buy!