CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones

CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones

CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones

CROKERDo you like Poker? If you do, then you would surly try this game.Croker is another fun & addicting game by CrazySoft. It is based on the ?Poker'''''''''' idea twisted into a unique and completely new kind of gaming. Once you give it a try it will suck you in for sure!Game Objective:You must make groups of cards:1) 2 pairs (2+2)2) 3 of the kind (3)3) Full house (3+2)4) 4 of the kind (4)These groups are made like in Poker.Once the groups are made the cards are replaced by new ones and points/life earned.How to play:The are 5 cards open. Flip the cards you want to replace by clicking on...


CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones

CROKERDo you like Poker? If you do, then you would surly try this game.Croker is another fun & addicting game by CrazySoft. It is based on the ?Poker'''''''''' idea twisted into a unique and completely new kind of gaming. Once you give it a try it will suck you in for sure!Game Objective:You must make groups of cards:1) 2 pairs (2+2)2) 3 of the kind (3)3) Full house (3+2)4) 4 of the kind (4)These groups are made like in Poker.Once the groups are made the cards are replaced by new ones and points/life earned.How to play:The are 5 cards open. Flip the cards you want to replace by clicking on...

Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for CrazySoft Croker for Smartphones (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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