Color Lines for Windows Mobile

Color Lines for Windows Mobile

Color Lines for Windows Mobile

If you are into simple, addictive games that have millions of possible game plays and yet take under 30 seconds to learn, you have found a true gem!The rules: The game goes in turns. Every turn three balls of random colors take 3 random fields on the playing board. You can then select and move one ball to any unoccupied cell, as long as there is clean "road" for it to reach the desired destination. By arranging several balls of same color in a straight line you dismiss them from the board and gain points.Since every turn another three balls drop on the board, you must think and act quickly or...


Color Lines for Windows Mobile

If you are into simple, addictive games that have millions of possible game plays and yet take under 30 seconds to learn, you have found a true gem!The rules: The game goes in turns. Every turn three balls of random colors take 3 random fields on the playing board. You can then select and move one ball to any unoccupied cell, as long as there is clean "road" for it to reach the desired destination. By arranging several balls of same color in a straight line you dismiss them from the board and gain points.Since every turn another three balls drop on the board, you must think and act quickly or...

Miscellaneous > Board / Card Game
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Color Lines for Windows Mobile (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Color Lines for Windows Mobile (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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