Brain School Brain Trainer WM6.x

Brain School Brain Trainer WM6.x

Brain School Brain Trainer WM6.x

Twenty fun games at five levels of difficulty to improve your memory, concentration, analytical reasoning, numeracy, spatial awareness and more. This is a brain trainer with a difference ..... 20 amazingly addictive and FUN puzzles, each at 5 increasing levels of difficulty. Not only fun, but it will train your brain across a wide range of differing aptitudes such as; Verbal, Spatial, Numerical, and Musical ........ challenge your brain and make sure it's functioning at it's optimum potential!THIS IS THE WINDOWS MOBILE 6.x VERSIONNB If you need the latest Microsoft .Net update then install...


Brain School Brain Trainer WM6.x

Twenty fun games at five levels of difficulty to improve your memory, concentration, analytical reasoning, numeracy, spatial awareness and more. This is a brain trainer with a difference ..... 20 amazingly addictive and FUN puzzles, each at 5 increasing levels of difficulty. Not only fun, but it will train your brain across a wide range of differing aptitudes such as; Verbal, Spatial, Numerical, and Musical ........ challenge your brain and make sure it's functioning at it's optimum potential!THIS IS THE WINDOWS MOBILE 6.x VERSIONNB If you need the latest Microsoft .Net update then install...

Mastersoft Mobile Solutions
Mastersoft Mobile Solutions
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Brain School Brain Trainer WM6.x (Windows Mobile). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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