Admiral (20)
Win 200 matches. (MP)
Back to boot camp (10)
Miss 20 times before you hit a ship.
Buddy System (15)
Finish a game with two ships still afloat that are next to each other. (MP)
Commodore (10)
Win 50 matches. (MP)
Down with the Ship (5)
Win a game having only one ship with only one hit remaining.(MP)
Eyes on the target (10)
Score a hit on your first Salvo. (Salvo Mode Only)
Gun Captain (15)
Unlock all super weapons.
I See You (15)
Hit your targets 250 times. (Classic Mode Only)
I sunk your battleship (10)
Sink your opponent's Battleship before any other ship.(Classic Mode Only)
Jack of all trades (5)
Play all game modes. (MP)
Locking on (5)
Hit at least one target on your first 3 turns. (Salvo Mode Only)
No blue horizon (10)
Sink 15 Aircraft Carriers. (Classic Mode Only)
Not so sneaky (10)
Sink 10 Recon Boats using Best of 5. (MP)
On the hunt (10)
Hit all 5 ships in a single turn while in Salvo Mode.
Reinforcements did not come (10)
Sink 5 Reinforcement ships.
Sunk but not Destroyed (10)
Finish a game with your Destroyer still afloat. (MP)
This is all I need to beat you (5)
Win a Super-weapons game without using any super weapons. (Only Shell)
Undisputed (10)
Win 5 Salvo games, not using Best of 5. (MP)
What comes around (10)
After the enemy sinks your sub, return the favor on your next turn.(MP)
Winning! (5)
Win very first Multiplayer game. (MP)