Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors

The delicate balance of the Triforce has been disrupted, and Hyrule Kingdom is once again being torn apart by a dark power, this time lead by Sorceress Cia. Now its up to the legendary hero Link to face hordes of enemies and find the missing Princess Zelda. Advance the story to unlock new playable characters with unique moves and weapon types. Collect Rupees and other useful items to upgrade weapons and craft badges, which you can use to bolster each warriors abilities. Then unleash the full power of your attacks with intense combos to clear wave after wave of Bokoblin hordes. Youll have to...


Hyrule Warriors

The delicate balance of the Triforce has been disrupted, and Hyrule Kingdom is once again being torn apart by a dark power, this time lead by Sorceress Cia. Now its up to the legendary hero Link to face hordes of enemies and find the missing Princess Zelda. Advance the story to unlock new playable characters with unique moves and weapon types. Collect Rupees and other useful items to upgrade weapons and craft badges, which you can use to bolster each warriors abilities. Then unleash the full power of your attacks with intense combos to clear wave after wave of Bokoblin hordes. Youll have to...

Omega Force, Nintendo
Omega Force
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 3D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Agitha: In Adventure mode stage at square 7 right, 4 down, use a Water Bomb on the rock, then complete the stage.
Darunia: Complete Legend mode stage 5a "Land of Myth".
Fi: Complete Legend mode stage 5c "Land in the Sky".
Ganondorf: Complete Legend mode stage 9 "Shining Beacon".
Ghirahim: In Adventure mode stage at square 3 right, 7 down, use a Candle on one of the trees, then complete the stage.
Impa: Complete Legend mode stage 1 "The Armies of Ruin".
Lana: Complete Legend mode stage 3 "The Sorceress of the Woods".
Midna: Complete Legend mode stage 5b "Land of Twilight".
Ruto: In Adventure mode stage at square 10 right, 5 down, use a Power Bracelet on the rock, then complete the stage.
Sheik: Complete Legend mode stage 2 "The Sheikah Tribesman".
Zant: In the Adventure mode stage at square 3 right, 3 down, use a Digging Mitts on the "X" mark, then complete the stage.
Zelda: Clear Legend Mode Stage 6a "The Water Temple", Stage 6b "The Shadow King", and Stage 6c "Sealed Ambition".

Classic Legend of Zelda title screen

Remain idle at the title screen. After about three minutes, the storyline introduction will begin. Skip it and wait at least three minutes and a revised version of the original Legend of Zelda title screen will appear, followed by the introduction music from that game.

Ganondorf's weapons

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon for Ganondorf.

  • Rank 1 Greatsword: "Swords of Despair": Unlock Ganondorf.
  • Rank 2 Greatsword: "Swords of Darkness": On Adventure mode stage at square 15 right, 6 down, use the correct item card at the correct location, and then complete the stage with an "A" rank.
  • Rank 3 Greatsword: "Swords of Demise": On Adventure mode stage at square 8 right, 2 down, use the correct item card at the correct location, and then complete the stage with an "A" rank.

Gold Skulltula items

Defeat a Gold Skulltula to receive an illustration piece. After you obtain a particular number of illustration pieces, the apothecary in the bazaar is upgraded and will have more items. There are five illustrations. Collecting all of the pieces to one and completing it will unlock a special "Rewards Map" stage in Adventure mode. There are a total of 100 illustration pieces and 100 Gold Skulltulas. To use the item, press ZR.

Apothecary level 1 and Red Potion: Craft your first "Empty Bottle I" badge.
Apothecary level 2 and Purple Potion: Collect 2 illustration pieces
Apothecary level 3 and Blue Potion: Collect 7 illustration pieces
Apothecary level 4 and Green Potion: Collect 25 illustration pieces
Apothecary level 5 and Yellow Potion: Collect 50 illustration pieces
Goron Tunic for Link: Complete all five Rewards Map stages.
Rewards Map Stage 1: Complete illustration 1
Rewards Map Stage 2: Complete illustration 2
Rewards Map Stage 3: Complete illustration 3
Rewards Map Stage 4: Complete illustration 4
Rewards Map Stage 5: Complete illustration 5
Zora's Tunic for Link: Complete any Rewards Map stage.

Harder Difficulty Level, and Additional Gold Skulltulas

Completing Legend Mode for the first time will unlock a new difficulty mode, and will also allow new Gold Skulltulas with more difficult spawn conditions to appear.

How to Unlock
"Hero" difficulty
Complete Legend Mode on any difficulty.
Hard Gold Skulltulas
Complete Legend Mode on any difficulty.


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