Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse is the only video game based on the highly-anticipated, Cartoon Network TV series, Ben 10: Omniverse. The brand-new show spans two time periods between Young and Teen Ben Tennyson, and introduces a hero sidekick, Rook.

In the new action game, players can play as both Young and Teen Ben, switch forms between 13 playable alien heroes, including new aliens like Bloxx and Gravattack, and fight in an assortment of action-packed levels throughout the subterranean alien city of Undertown and other show-inspired locales. In Ben: 10 Omniverse, Rook will also star in...


Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse is the only video game based on the highly-anticipated, Cartoon Network TV series, Ben 10: Omniverse. The brand-new show spans two time periods between Young and Teen Ben Tennyson, and introduces a hero sidekick, Rook.

In the new action game, players can play as both Young and Teen Ben, switch forms between 13 playable alien heroes, including new aliens like Bloxx and Gravattack, and fight in an assortment of action-packed levels throughout the subterranean alien city of Undertown and other show-inspired locales. In Ben: 10 Omniverse, Rook will also star in...

Vicious Cycle, D3Publisher
Vicious Cycle
Action > General
Massively Multiplayer
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat Mode

At the "Extras" menu, select the "Promotions" option. Then, enter one of the following codes by selecting the corresponding aliens to unlock the corresponding upgrade.

Gravattack upgrade
Enter Feedback, Fourarms, Diamondhead, Bloxx as a code to unlock the Gravattack upgrade.

Wildvine upgrade
Enter Gravattack, Eye Guy, Arctiguana, Wildmutt as a code to unlock the Wildvine upgrade.

XLR8 upgrade
Enter Shocksquatch, Gravattack, Arctiguana, Diamondhead as a code to unlock the XLR8 upgrade.

Cheat mode

Select the "Promotions" option at the "Extras" menu. Then enter one of the following codes by selecting the corresponding alien.

Gravattack upgrade

Enter Feedback, Fourarms, Diamondhead, Bloxx as a code.

Upgrade Codes

Select Promotions from Extras menu and enter the following to have the following aliens fully upgraded.

Feedback - Fourarms - Diamondhead - Bloxx
Gravattack - Eye Guy - Arctiguana - Wildmutt
Shocksquatch - Gravattack - Arctiguana - Diamondhead


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