Wii Play

Wii Play

Wii Play

Wii Play


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Wii Play (Nintendo Wii). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Aim for the Birds

If you want a highscore in Shooting Range. Simply aim for the birds when they are coming aswell as normal targets.

10 points for a bird they fly over in couples about 3 times a game. That' s 60 pts available. Good luck.

Control score display

To skip the scores after the game hold A. To pause it, hold B.

Different paddle in Laser Hockey

To play with a round-shaped paddle, press A and B at the same time before a game round starts.

Double shots in Shooting Range

During a single player game in the Shooting Range, press a button on a second Wii-mote. You will now have two sets of crosshairs, and if you are quick enough, twice the shots.

Find Mii: Different Mii

When you are playing the Find Mii mini-game, every time that you are asked to find the different Mii or Miis, start to point every Mii. If at any moment you are pointing to a Mii but instead the Mii in front of that one stands up (or the one at the back, etc.), that one is the different one (the Mii that stands up without pointing it out).


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