Pangya! Golf with Style

Pangya! Golf with Style

Pangya! Golf with Style

Yell out "fore!" with the friends and family while taking virtual swings in the Wii exclusive Super Swing Golf (SSG)! Taking full advantage of the unique Wii Remote, SSG lets players use their bodies to take actual golf swings while playing on vibrantly colored fantasy golf courses. You can choose from a wide variety of golfers to suit your personality, but it's up to you to put the ball in the cup.


Pangya! Golf with Style

Yell out "fore!" with the friends and family while taking virtual swings in the Wii exclusive Super Swing Golf (SSG)! Taking full advantage of the unique Wii Remote, SSG lets players use their bodies to take actual golf swings while playing on vibrantly colored fantasy golf courses. You can choose from a wide variety of golfers to suit your personality, but it's up to you to put the ball in the cup.

Ntreev Soft, Tecmo
Ntreev Soft
Sports > Individual > Golf > Sim
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Arin's Final Storyline

Complete the first storyline as all characters except for Kaz. Then, wear Arin's Magic School Uniform.


Beat Arin's first Pangya Festa.

Pipin (caddy)

Complete the Tutorial.

Play as Cecilia

Complete Pangya Festa as Hana or Uncle Bob.

Super Nintendo Golf Gloves

Defeat Mayumi in a Chance match in Match Play mode to unlock the Super Nintendo Golf Gloves.


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