



Ready at Dawn



Cheat Codes/Hints

Changing ice statues

When you enter Kamui go to the right of the Guardian Sapling. You will find the Kokari boy and his dog Ume. To the right of them is the third dojo. There is a big pile of snow close to it. If you power slash it enough times, an ice statue of Issun x1000 will appear. Destroy it with Inferno and go in the dojo then go back out. The pile of snow reappear. If you power slash it again, a statue of Sakuya will appear. Keep repeating the process for a new statue every time.

Counter attack

To perform a counter attack add Gold Dust to a reflector weapon and paint a blog on an enemy. They will turn black and start attacking with some sort of dagger. When they do this, press Z. If done at the correct moment, you will spiral into the air and smash the enemy to the ground. While the enemy is on the ground he will also be stunned and be open to any of your attacks. If you get very good at timing for pressing Z, you will also get a Demon Fang. The Demon Fang is difficult to because since you are in the air for so long. Equip the Holy Artifact that attracts money and items.

Defeating Bandit Spider

Bandit Spider is an optional Boss. To fight Bandit Spider, learn "Digging Champ" from Onigiri Sensei. Then, go to Ryoshima Coast. Go past the Monk Temple and follow the trail. There will be an area when there are two brown cows and a calf. There will be a rock surface for you to dig at. Dig there, and a hole will appear that has a purple mist coming out of it. Go into it, and you will be able to fight Bandit Spider. Bandit Spider is a lot like Spider Queen, except it attacks more often by throwing energy balls. Draw three lines to his spinnerets, then attack the lamps. Also, when it starts spitting out a metal sac (with a fuse on it), draw a line form the fire to the "bomb" and you can attack the lamps again using the same method. Continue doing this to defeat Bandit Spider.

You can fight Bandit Spider again once you reach North Ryoshima Coast. Ride the Orca to one of the islands and you will see a rock surface. This requires the technique "Digging Champ". Dig there and you will fall into a hole. If you defeat him, you will get a Sun Fragment.

Defeating Blight

Blight has an extremely difficult defense. It will take awhile to defeat him. He will crouch when he does his speed attack, which is impossible to dodge. Use the Veil of Mist Brush to slow it down. Blight will lose its color. Attack it when he is in this state. He will become a pile of armor with a glowing blue sword. Equip the Tsumugari and use a Veil of Mist Brush so that you will have more time to attack the sword. Use Excorism Slips and your Tsumugari to attack the sword. Continue doing this to defeat Blight.

Defeating Crimson Helm

Avoid its attacks. Remember, he uses fire based attacks. If you get burnt, used the Gale Storm Brush. When he starts to stand up and burst into flames, start to attack him using your Devout Beads. He will reveal himself as a flaming skeleton. Use the Gale Storm Brush to put the fire out. He will be just a normal skeleton. When in this state, attack him using your Devout Beads. Continue doing this to defeat Crimson Helm.

Defeating Lechku and Nechku

You will have Oki on your side this time. Lechku will do about the same thing as Nechku; shoot dark fruit and ice. Defeat Nechku using the same technique used last time. Lechku however can freeze time, allowing Nechku to attack. Use a Power Slash to stop Nechku. Lechku will also wield a Nine Strike like Ninetails used. Draw a thunderbolt to it. When they malfunction, uses Oki's ice bow, bite him, pull, then fire. You and Oki will attack him. Continue this to defeat Lechku and Nechku.

Defeating Nechku

Because Shiranui will be on your side for this match, it should be over quickly. When it starts shooting dark fruit, use Power Slash to fire them back at Nechku. He will start to malfunction. Knock him out with a Power Slash. You and Shiranui will then attack Nechku, using brush techniques for support. Nechku will sometimes shoot out ice. You can avoid this by dodging them.

Defeating Ninetails

First, Ninetails may attack by ramming into you, whipping you with his tails, summoning foxfire or squirting out pools of acid. Your brush techniques will not usually work on him either, because he has the power of a brush god as well. He will cross out all your attacks, or make a weapon out of your drawing. For example, if you draw a circle he might cross it out or turn it into a cherry bomb. When he raises his Nine Strike, draw a thunderbolt to the sword. He will turn into nine maidens. Defeat some of them. It might be wise to use some Exorcism Slips. He will lose more tails the more enemies you defeat. Sooner or later he will turn into a normal one-tailed fox. You can use brush techniques and any attack on him. He will also lose his brush techniques.

Defeating Orochi

Orochi will be protected by a barrier. Your attacks will not do any damage to Orochi. You should be able to dodge the slow moving flames on the fire head. Later, use the Waterspout Brush to pour the sake into the Orochi's mouth. Do this two times and one of the Orochi heads will get drunk. Walk onto the Orochi's neck and get to the bell. Attack the bell until the bell's health gauge reaches zero. The barrier will shatter and you must get the all the Orochi heads drunk. Do the poison and darkness head last. You are now able to attack the heads when they are drunk with your weapon (preferably the Beads of Life) and brushes. Continue this until Orochi is defeated. At the end of the fight, Susano will appear. Use the Power Slash Brush wherever the kanji (Japanese symbol) is, and the Orochi is defeated.

Defeating Spider Queen

First, just dodge her attacks. Try to keep a far distance away from her. Later she will start spinning a web ready to do a belly flop, or starts to spit webs from a gray sack. Use the Power Slash Brush on the wed she spins or the gray sack and she will fall down. She will have some hooks at the tip of her spinnerets. Use the blossoms around the stadium to do the Vine Brush and connect two vines to the end of the hooks. Her thorax will open up and eyeballs will appear. Use your Devout Beads to attack the eyeballs. This will do damage to her. Keep doing this to defeat Spider Queen.



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