HoopWorld: BasketBrawl

HoopWorld: BasketBrawl

HoopWorld: BasketBrawl

Long ago, a lost civilization called the Elders, who worshipped the magical power of Nature, built a network of sacred temples around the world. Millennia have since passed, and the temples now lie in ruins. But their energy still resonates from the land, attracting adventurers from distant lands. Drawn by the unknown force, friends have begun to rebuild the ruins into ball courts, knowing only that they must relive the time-honored test of the spirit of the Elders: the game now known as basketball. HoopWorld is a three-on-three basketball game with an arcade twist. Unique characters and...


HoopWorld: BasketBrawl

Long ago, a lost civilization called the Elders, who worshipped the magical power of Nature, built a network of sacred temples around the world. Millennia have since passed, and the temples now lie in ruins. But their energy still resonates from the land, attracting adventurers from distant lands. Drawn by the unknown force, friends have begun to rebuild the ruins into ball courts, knowing only that they must relive the time-honored test of the spirit of the Elders: the game now known as basketball. HoopWorld is a three-on-three basketball game with an arcade twist. Unique characters and...

Virtual Toys
Virtual Toys
Sports > Team > Basketball > Arcade
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Crazy Mode

Unlock the 'Crazy' difficulty setting by clearing Tournament Mode on 'Hard'.

How to Unlock
Crazy Difficulty
Beat Tournament Mode on Hard

New Teams

Unlock Team Kalans and ShadowSkulls by clearing Tournament Mode on the respective difficulty.

How to Unlock
Team Kalans
Beat Tournament Mode on Normal
Team Nalaks
Complete a Tournament on Crazy Mode
Team ShadowSkulls
Beat Tournament Mode on Hard
Team SlimeSkulls
Clear Tournament Mode under the 'Hard' difficulty with all standard teams


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