Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Help Wanted (Nintendo Wii). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy money

Practice jobs in Career mode to earn more money in the Employment Office Story mode.

You will gain experience as you play the various Job mini-games in Employment office. When you are promoted from Novice to Pro you will get a $500 bonus. When you level from Pro to Expert you will get a $1,000 bonus. Leveling your jobs will also unlock more challenging mini-games which are worth more money.

Easy points

Purchasing items give you points, which allows you to buy items to defeat the meteor(s). Memorial Channel items give you the most amount of points (15%).


Check the TV Shopping Channel regularly and buy uniforms to unlock additional Jobs. These jobs will also appear in Career Mode.

Some uniforms only become available after talking to certain characters. Make sure to explore on Sundays and occasionally talk to various characters.

Completing jobs

Use the following tips to complete the indicated job easier.

If you fall down notice that your character flashes briefly. When that happens, your character cannot be harmed.

Try to catch multiple schools of fish for easy money. Wait until the fish cross paths before you throw the net.

Use short bursts of water to put out fires. Do not spray the water constantly.

Haunted House Crew
To get more money, change the outfit to the same color as the person you are trying to scare by pressing D-pad Left or Right.

Security Guard
Always watch the man with the Mohawk.

TV Shopping Crew
When the host throws fruit and vegetables at you to swing at, wait until they are slightly behind your character before swinging.


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