Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

You have moved to an island town that was once enchanted...however it has been years since the mystical Mother Tree has shown any signs of life and the Harvest Goddess has vanished. The island has lost its connection with nature and the inhabitants don't know what to do. Till the earth, tend to and befriend animals, nurture friendships and build a family to help save the island!


Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

You have moved to an island town that was once enchanted...however it has been years since the mystical Mother Tree has shown any signs of life and the Harvest Goddess has vanished. The island has lost its connection with nature and the inhabitants don't know what to do. Till the earth, tend to and befriend animals, nurture friendships and build a family to help save the island!

Marvelous Entertainment, Natsume
Marvelous Entertainment
Strategy > General
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Completion bonus

Create the five rainbows and reawaken the Harvest Goddess to successfully complete the game. You can start a new session with the cleared saved game file and play as your child, with all previously earned money, items, and animals.

Easily Raise Shelly's Heart Level

Every time you speak to Shelly and request a rucksack upgrade, Shelly gains heart points - even if you don't have the items to create the upgrade. To easily get Shelly to 10 hearts, request the rucksack upgrade over and over when you don't have the necessary materials with you. This is useful because the amount of money you make working part-time at the Tailor Shop is based solely on Shelly's heart level; therefore, if you raise her heart level this way, you can easily make a lot more money in your part-time Tailor Shop work.

Easy money

Do the following if you need to get some money and do not have much to do in the game. Go to the inn and wait until 9:00 a.m. At that time, immediately enter the inn and work part time. After that you will leave the inn. Wait at the door again until 6:00 p.m. Once again, immediately enter the inn and talk to the man at the counter on the right. Ask him to work part time. Go through the cinematic, collect your money, then go home. This should get you double the amount of money you can usually get from most places that allow you to work part time. Note: This would also can be helpful if you are trying to marry Maya or Kathy. Be sure to have the gifts you need from them ready, then give them those gifts before you work.

This trick requires some gold, however once you are set you can almost double what you spent to do it. First, you will need a Yarn Maker, not for the maker itself but for the dying pot that is included. When the Flower Festival starts at the first of Spring, there will be an NPC selling herbs. Buy as many Blue Herbs as possible. Store them and wait until the end of spring for the Animal Festival. At the Animal Festival, there will be an NPC selling Silk Yarn. Buy as much Silk Yarn as you did Blue Herbs. Dye the yarn with the Blue Herbs you bought earlier to get more money that what was spent to create the item.

An easy way to get a decent amount of money daily is to collect toadstools and mushrooms in the mines. Collect them on the way down to level 19, which has an enormous amount of them, and sell them. You can make 1000G easily each day.

Increase Villagers' Affection Fast

Every day you can increase villagers' affection by 10% of a heart by giving them gifts until they no longer accept them. Giving them unliked gifts lowers their affection, but you are then allowed to give them extra gifts to make up for that lost affection. There is no limit to the number of unliked gifts you can give per day, and once you decrease their affection to zero it won't go any lower. However, you can continue to give them unliked gifts, which will still increase the number of favored gifts you can give. This effectively allows you to give an unlimited number of favored gifts, bypassing the 10% cap.

For example, you can raise a villager's affection to 1 heart in a day by first giving them 30 hated gifts and then giving them 10 loved gifts (The villager must start with less than 1 heart).

Similarly, you can raise a villager's affection to 10 hearts in a day by first giving them 330 hated gifts followed by 100 loved gifts. Note in this case it does not matter what the villager's affection is to start with since their affection will be lowered to zero after giving them 330 hated gifts regardless.

Increasing villagers' hearts

Give the villagers a large number of undesirable gifts until their affection reaches zero. You will then have unlimited chances to give them better gifts. You can then increase their heart levels easily with lots of desirable gifts.


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