Hajime no Ippo Revolution

Hajime no Ippo Revolution

Hajime no Ippo Revolution

Victorious Boxers: Revolution is a challenging, intense boxing title for the Wii. The first dedicated boxing title for the Wii, this game makes full use of its unique motion-control capabilities. Gameplay is realistic to appeal to sports and boxing fans, but also has an extensive Story Mode and many unique fighters with their own special moves, making it involving and easy to play for all audiences.


Hajime no Ippo Revolution

Victorious Boxers: Revolution is a challenging, intense boxing title for the Wii. The first dedicated boxing title for the Wii, this game makes full use of its unique motion-control capabilities. Gameplay is realistic to appeal to sports and boxing fans, but also has an extensive Story Mode and many unique fighters with their own special moves, making it involving and easy to play for all audiences.

Cavia Inc., XSEED Games
Cavia Inc.
Sports > Individual > Combat > Boxing / Martial Arts
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate box cover

Slip the cover out of the box and reverse it to see the anime-themed Japanese version.


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