Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

The tale of Armageddon is about to be told...In the world of Erion, the magical kingdom of Valentine held an enormous power. The "Cauldron" -- the source of this great power-- Maintained the kingdom's prosperity. However, Valentine suffered a sudden, mysterious downfall.And so the neighboring kingdoms clashed over the now-masterless Cauldron. The never-ending war intensified day by day. Is the world truly progressing towards it's destruction, as stated in Erion's "Prophesy of Armageddon"?


Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir

The tale of Armageddon is about to be told...In the world of Erion, the magical kingdom of Valentine held an enormous power. The "Cauldron" -- the source of this great power-- Maintained the kingdom's prosperity. However, Valentine suffered a sudden, mysterious downfall.And so the neighboring kingdoms clashed over the now-masterless Cauldron. The never-ending war intensified day by day. Is the world truly progressing towards it's destruction, as stated in Erion's "Prophesy of Armageddon"?

Vanillaware, Atlus
Role-Playing > Action RPG
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