Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited

Disgaea 4 is a sequel to Disgaea, a hardcore, turn-based, strategy RPG popular on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2. In Disgaea, character units have a limit to their movement and attack ranges, based on level and weapons equipped. There are other special game factors that let you take advantage of the 3Dbattle map, many of which are unique to Disgaea. As the 4th installment in the series Disgaea 4 adopts an all new graphic engine with a much more emphasis on a anime style graphics and also adopts many new game system for an exciting battle adventure.


Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited

Disgaea 4 is a sequel to Disgaea, a hardcore, turn-based, strategy RPG popular on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2. In Disgaea, character units have a limit to their movement and attack ranges, based on level and weapons equipped. There are other special game factors that let you take advantage of the 3Dbattle map, many of which are unique to Disgaea. As the 4th installment in the series Disgaea 4 adopts an all new graphic engine with a much more emphasis on a anime style graphics and also adopts many new game system for an exciting battle adventure.

Nippon Ichi Software, NIS America
Nippon Ichi Software
Strategy > Turn-Based > Tactics
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

How to Obtain End game Content Early

At the title screen highlight continue and then press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X then select your save file and you will notice you can now select the Time leap scenario and the Fuka And Desco show along with other Bonuses.

Japanese version

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards, all of which are secret.
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Axel Statue Down! (Bronze): Accidentally destroy Axel's statue in the Mystery Room.
Baby's First Reincarnation (Bronze): Reincarnate for the first time.
Biggus Stickus (Gold): Inflict 10,000,000,000 damage.
Bottom of the 9999th! (Bronze): Train an ally up to LV 9999.
Carnage in the Streets (Bronze): Visit the Land of Carnage.
Collateral Damage (Bronze): Defeat an ally character.
Damages With Wolves (Bronze): Inflict 100,000 damage.
Desco's New Purpose (Bronze): Watch Desco's epilogue.
Dominatrix Lovin' (Bronze): Enforce discipline 100 times.
E Pluribus Netherum (Bronze): Clear up to Episode 7 in the main story.
Evildoer of the Year (Gold): Unlock all Evil Symbols.
Fenrich's Mission (Bronze): Watch Fenrich's epilogue.
Fight the God Fight (Bronze): Defeat God (self-proclaimed) and watch the ending.
Hangin' at the Quick Yield (Bronze): Max out the Rosen Queen Company customer level.
How's That Item World Coming Along? (Bronze): Clear 30 floors in the Item World.
Intelligence Director (Silver): All ranks of all job and monster classes can be created through Character Creation.
Items Roadshow (Gold): Collect all items (excluding grades). Now aim for completing all the grades, too!
Lead-Tongued Tyrant (Bronze): Persuade by force three times. Demons should always resort to violence!
Lobbyist Hobbyist (Bronze): Give 50 bribes.
Master Crafter (Bronze): Increase an item up to LV 300.
New Party Established (Bronze): Clear up to Episode 3 in the main story.
Of Promises Past (Bronze): Watch Artina's epilogue.
Party On, Archangel Flonne (Bronze): Defeat Archangel Flonne in the Post-Game and make her an ally.
Party On, Asagi (Bronze): Defeat Asagi in the Post-Game and make her an ally.
Party On, Axel (Bronze): Defeat Axel in the Post-Game and make him an ally.
Party On, Beryl (Bronze): Defeat Raspberyl in the Post-Game and make her an ally.
Party On, Etna (Bronze): Defeat Etna in the Post-Game and make her an ally.
Party On, Laharl (Bronze): Defeat Laharl in the Post-Game and make him an ally.
Party On, Prinny Kurtis (Bronze): Defeat Prinny Kurtis in the Post-Game and make him an ally.
Party On, Zetta (Bronze): Defeat Zetta in the Post-Game and make him an ally.
Phantom Thief (Bronze): Steal 10 Rare and/or Legendary items.
Pimp My Ship (Silver): Collect all of the Pirate Ship parts.
Pirate Is As Pirate Does (Bronze): Conduct your first Reverse Pirating.
Pirate Ninja (Bronze): Defeat 100 Pirate Crew members in the Item World.
Roaring Pringer Bringer Downer (Silver): Defeat Pringer X: Roar in the Land of Carnage.
Scavenger Hunt Champion of the Netherworld! (Bronze): Open all chests at the base from Episode 1 to Post-Game.
Scrooge the Pooge (Bronze): Get over 100,000,000 HL.
Snare Bear Stare (Bronze): Throw and capture an enemy character in the base panel.
Special Stalker (Silver): Watch all of the special skills.
Step Back and Watch the Fireworks (Bronze): Explode ten Prinnies in a row.
Success Comes From Failure (Bronze): Get a Game Over from having your party get defeated.
The End of the Beginning (Bronze): Clear the main game and unlock the Post-Game.
The Melancholy of Fuka Kazamatsuri (Bronze): Watch Fuka's epilogue.
The Power of Creation Compels You (Bronze): Conduct your first Map Edit.
This is Disgaea 4! (Bronze): Watch the opening anime. Enjoy Disgaea 4!
Timid Timmy (Bronze): Cancel 1,000 battle actions.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze): Open 100 treasure chests.
Unanimously Elected (Platinum): Complete all other trophies. You have obtained all the trophies.
Viva Sprites! (Bronze): Fight five battles with the 'Classic' display option. Pixels still rock!
Vote for Emizel (Bronze): Watch Emizel's epilogue.
X-tra-Dimension-al Conquistador (Silver): Clear all of the X-Dimension maps.

North American version

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.

Hardcore Gamer! (Platinum): Complete all other trophies.
The Power of Sardines! (Gold): Inflict 10,000,000,000 damage.
Dedicated Collector (Gold): Collect all types of items.
Portable Piracy (Silver): Collect all Pirate Ship parts.
Netherworld Job Security (Silver): Have characters of every rank of every creatable class.
He Got Skills (Silver): Watch every special skill animation.
Viewer Enjoyment is Advised (Bronze): Watch the opening anime to the very end.
In the Land of the Prinnies (Bronze): Go to the Land of Carnage and regret it.
Re-education Program (Bronze): Capture an enemy.
Need More...Sardines! (Bronze): Lose a battle.
Power Politics (Bronze): Persuade by force 3 times.
Prinpocalypse Now (Bronze): Explode ten Prinnies in a row.
Check Under the Cushions (Bronze): Open all treasure chests in the base.
I'll Take the Elevator... (Bronze): Clear 30 floors in the Item World.
Rewards Card Member (Bronze): Max out the Rosen Queen Co. customer level.
Just Warming Up (Bronze): Inflict 100,000 damage.
Everyone's a Critic... (Bronze): Destroy the Axel statue in battle.
New Family Heirloom (Bronze): Max out an item's level.
The Biggest Winner (Bronze): Train 100 times.
Netherworld Tycoon (Bronze): Get over 100,000,000 HL.

Additionally there are thirty one secret trophies

Supercharged Tyrant Overlord (Gold): Defeat Tyrant Overlord Baal in the Land of Carnage. "Whosoever unlocks this trophy, shall possess the title of Tyrant Overlord."
Uncanny X-Dem (Silver): Clear all X-Dimension stages. "You've conquered Dimension X!"
Pringer X: Poison Bites the Dust (Silver): Defeat Pringer X: Poison in the Land of Carnage. "Pringer Z is back, baby!"
Prinnynapping! (Bronze): Clear Ep. 1: Rebels of Hades.
Dreams Come True (Bronze): Clear Ep. 2: Prinny Wars.
Like a Final Boss (Bronze): Clear Ep. 3: Enter the Final Weapon.
Live and Let Death (Bronze): Clear Ep. 4: Death Emizel's Death.
The Demonic Carnival (Bronze): Clear Ep. 5: The Angel of Avarice.
Axelbreak! (Bronze): Clear Ep. 6: The A-Virus Pandemic.
Evilection Day (Bronze): Clear Ep. 7: Battle! Tyrant vs. President.
Battlefield Human World (Bronze): Clear Ep. 8: Battle! Final Boss vs. Final Boss.
Men on the Moon (Bronze): Clear Ep. 9: The Moon, Earth, and the Promise!
Fear the Who? (Bronze): Clear the main story, and begin the Post Game.
Just According to Fenkaku (Bronze): Watch Fenrich's epilogue. "All is for my Lord."
The Fast and the Fukrious: Hades Drift (Bronze): Watch Fuka's epilogue. "Come, iron roc!"
Desco Inferno (Bronze): Watch Desco's epilogue. "Cretins...bow down and worship me! For I am Desco!"
Don't Be a Weasel, Vote Emizel! (Bronze): Watch Emizel's epilogue. "Wandering messenger of twilight, show me the ways of this world!"
A Promise Fulfilled (Bronze): Watch Artina's epilogue. "Mother of the sublime glow, bring purity to the swirling evil!"
When the God Gets Tough... (Bronze): Defeat God (self-proclaimed). "Infernal demon, follow my order and present your vile soul!"
When Fenfen Met Valzy (Bronze): Clear the Flashback Episode. "Demon trapped in fire, I shall temporarily free your chaotic soul. Now! Become my power!"
Touched by a Tri-Angel (Bronze): Clear the Fuka & Desco Show. "Final Formation! We are Tri-Angels!"
No Cameo Left Behind (Bronze): Win the Netherbattle Tournament. "I want my own catchphrase."
Let's Do the Time Leap Again (Bronze): Clear the Time Leap story. "Brave warrior, hear my voice... Become the skyward sword that pierces the darkness, and crush my enemies!"
The Dark Hero Rises (Bronze): Defeat Axel in the Post Game and make him an ally. "Axel, on staaage!"
Archangel, Archangel, Will You Be Mine? (Bronze): Defeat Archangel Flonne in the Post Game and make her an ally. "Chaos sucks! Guardian of justice, Justice Flonne!"
Now Accepting Volunteers (Bronze): Defeat Raspberyl in the Post Game and make her an ally. "Which Honor Student wants to take my lesson?"
Body By Etna (Bronze): Defeat Etna in the Post Game and make her an ally. "Look at my body and drool!"
Haaah-hahahaha! (Bronze): Defeat Laharl in the Post Game and make him an ally. "Taste the power of Overlord Laharl!"
Malice in Netherland (Bronze): Defeat Asagi in the Post Game and make her an ally. "I'll show you my Super Miracle Heroine Powers!"
Green with Prenvy (Bronze): Defeat Prinny Kurtis in the Post Game and make him an ally. "Can you handle Mach 5!?"
Badass Freakin' Trophy (Bronze): Defeat Zetta in the Post Game and make him an ally. "I'll show you what a real strategy RPG is all about!"

Pirate Ship Parts from Pirates in the Item World

Defeat the following pirate groups that appear in the Item World to get these parts. About the Commando Pirates: On the first set of floors, take either gate on Floor 5 and then the other gate on Floor 10 (Item gate on floor 5, Innocent gate on floor 10). Then, go down either route as normal.

How to Unlock
Black Drill
Construction Pirates on floors 31+
Eryngi (Body)
Artist Pirates on floors 71+ (Item Growth Path only)
Galleon III (Body)
Sorry Pirates on floors 41+ [First 5 floors only (x1-x5)]
Giant Turtle (Body)
Fisherman Pirates on floors 1+
Hunk House (Top)
Warrior Pirates on floors 61+
Metal Aft Propellor (Head)
Red Pirates on floors 81+ (Item Growth Path only)
Mini-Yoshitsuna (Body)
Robo Pirates or Masked Pirates while Reverse Pirating (Turn 2 only)
No.6 Locomotive (Body)
Item Express Pirates on floors 41+ (Innocent Boost Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2)
Old Wagon (Body)
Food Stand Pirates on floors 11+
P Flonzor X (Body)
Meowkins Pirates on floors 26+
Prinny (Body)
Prinny Pirates on floors 71+ (Innocent Boost Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2)
Sharkpedo (Right)
Duck Pirates on floors 21+ (Do not appear on Turn 2)
Skull: Gentle Ram (Head)
Queen Pirates on floors 81+
Starship Body G
Mech Pirates on floors 61+ (Do not appear on Turn 2)
Starship Stern G (Rear)
Rotten Golem Pirates on floors 51+
Torn-Up Mast
Ghost Pirates on floors 31+
Training Wing (Left)
Commando Pirates on floors 51+ (Item Growth or Innocent Boost Paths only)
Treasure Ship (Body)
Peachboy Pirates on floors 51+ (Treasure Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2)


Have a Disgaea 3 save game on the same Vita, and pass the unlocked bill.


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