Doodle God

Doodle God

Doodle God

Doodle God


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Cheat Codes/Hints

Element combinations

Use the following element combinations to complete the game.

0th Generation

1st Generation
Alcohol = Fire + Water
Dust = Air + Earth
Energy = Air + Fire
Lava = Fire + Earth
Steam = Air + Water
Swamp = Earth + Water
Total Elements: 10

2nd Generation
Ash = Fire + Dust
Life = Swamp + Energy
Plasma = Fire + Energy
Stone = Lava + Water
Storm = Air + Energy
Vodka = Water + Alcohol
Total Elements: 16

3rd Generation
Bacteria = Swamp + Life
Egg = Life + Stone
Ghost = Ash + Life
Metal = Stone + Fire
Sand = Air + Stone
Weeds = Water + Life
Total Elements: 22

4th Generation
Bird = Air + Egg
Boiler = Metal + Steam
Clay = Sand + Swamp
Dinosaur = Earth + Egg
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Glass = Fire + Sand
Lizard = Egg + Swamp
Moss = Weeds + Swamp
Mushroom = Earth + Weed
Plankton = Water + Bacteria
Quicksilver = Metal + Water
Seeds = Life + Sand
Sulfur = Swamp + Bacteria
Turtle = Sand + Egg
Worm = Swamp + Bacteria
Total Elements: 37

5th Generation
Beast = Lizard + Earth
Beetle = Earth + Worm
Bricks = Clay + Fire
Butterfly = Air + Worm
Coffee = Energy + Seeds
Dragon = Dinosaur + Fire
Fern = Swamp + Moss
Golem = Life + Clay
Grass = Earth + Moss
Phoenix = Fire + Bird
Shell = Stone + Plankton
Snake = Worm + Swamp
Thunder Bird = Storm + Bird
Tree = Earth + Seed
Total Elements: 50

6th Generation
Coal = Fire + Tree
Fish = Water + Snake
Human = Golem + Life
Human = Beast + Life
Limestone = Stone + Shell
Palmtree = Sand + Tree
Reed = Swamp + Grass
Scorpion = Sand + Beetle
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Treant = Tree + Life
Total Elements: 60

7th Generation
Alcoholic = Alcohol + Human
Blood = Dinosaur + Human
Cement = Limestone + Clay
Ceramics = Human + Clay
Corpse = Human + Fire
Corpse = Human + Poison
Dolphin = Fish + Beast
Domestic Animal = Beast + Human
Hut = Human + Stone
Oil = Coal + Water
Sex = Human + Human
Steam-Engine = Coal + Boiler
Tools = Human + Metal
Whale = Fish + Plankton
Wizard = Human + Energy
Total Elements: 74

8th Generation
Concrete = Cement + Water
Demigod = Energy + Wizard
Field = Tools + Earth
Meat = Human + Domestic Animal
Milk = Human + Domestic Animal
Paper = Tools + Reed
Poison = Tools + Snake
Vampire = Blood + Human
Weapon = Tools + Metal
Wood = Tree + Tools
Wool = Human + Domestic Animal
Zombie = Corpse + Life
Total Elements: 86

9th Generation
Boat = Wood + Water
Cigarette = Tobacco + Paper
Fabric = Wool + Tools
Fertilizer = Grass + Domestic Animal
Ghoul = Zombie + Corpse
House = Bricks + Concrete
Hunter = Human + Weapons
Philosopher's Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver
Poisoned Weapon = Weapon + Poison
Werewolf = Beast + Vampire
Wheat = Seeds + Field
Wheel = Wood + Tools
Total Elements: 98

10th Generation
Assassin = Poisoned Weapon + Human
Beer = Wheat + Alcohol
Cart = Wood + Wheel
Clothes = Human + Fabric
Feather = Hunter + Bird
Flour = Wheat + Stone
Gold = Philosopher's Stone + Metal
Saltpeter = Limestone + Fertilizer
Ship = Boat + Wood
Skyscraper = Glass + House
Warrior = Hunter + Weapon
Total Elements: 110
Void acquired

11th Generation
Book = Paper + Feather
Car = Cart + Oil
Chariot = Cart + Beast
Dough = Water + Flour
Frigate = Ship + Fabric
Gunpowder = Saltpeter + Sulfur
Hero = Warrior + Dragon
Lightbulb = Void + Glass
Locomotive = Cart + Steam Engine
Radio Wave = Void + Electricity
Steam Ship = Steam Engine + Ship
Sun = Void + Plasma
Total Elements: 122

12th Generation
Airplane = Car + Air
Bread = Dough + Fire
Firearm = Gunpowder + Weapon
Flower = Sun + Grass
Laser = Radio Wave + Fire
Radiation = Radio Wave + Radio Wave
TV = Lightbulb + Radio Waves
Total Elements: 129

13th Generation
Apple = Tree + Flower
CD = Laser + Book
Computer = TV + Book
Plutonium = Radiation + Metal
Rocket = Void + Airplane
Sunflower = Sun + Flower
Total Elements: 135

14th Generation
Cellphone = Computer + Radio Wave
Cyborg = Human + Computer
Internet = Computer + Computer
Nuclear Weapon = Plutonium + Weapon
Satellite = Rocket + Void
Total Elements: 140

Chapter 3
Religion = Human + Commandments
Law = Human + Religion
Sin = Human + Religion
Fun = Human + Sex
Knowledge = Human + Book
Scientist = Human + Knowledge
Cat = Beast + House
Dog = Beast + House
Octopus = Knowledge + Fish
Medicine = Bacteria + Knowledge
Mechanism = Tools + Law
Antibiotics = Bacteria + Medicine
Money = Paper + Gold
Work = Human + Money
Games = Law + Fun (Note: Also unlocks "Extras" section)
Pirate = Ship + Alcoholic
Rum = Pirate + Vodka
Tavern = House + Alcoholic
Astronaut = Human + Rocket
Soldier = Firearm + Warrior
Policeman = Law + Soldier
Alien = Void + Life
Ant = Work + Beetle
Death Metal = Electricity + Corpse
Typewriter = Mechanism + Book
Journalist = Human + Typewriter
B-52 = Coffee + Vodka
Sugar = Reed + Field
Cookies = Bread + Sugar
Pie = Apple + Dough
Virus = Human + Bacteria
Hacker = Computer + Virus
UFO = Alien + Rocket
Bank = Money + Skyscraper
Caviar = Fish + Eggs
Music = Human + Reed
Sea = Water + Water
Rock N' Roll = Music + Alcohol
Salt = Sun + Sea
Russian Roulette = Vodka + Firearm
Debt = Bank + Money
Molotov Cocktail = Vodka + Fire
Credit Card = Money + Debt
Rat = Medicine + Beast
Hangover = Vodka + Beer
Tequila = Alcohol + Worm
Ice = Water + Glass
Ice Cream = Ice + Milk
Absinthe = Alcohol + Grass
Censored = Pie + Sex
White Russian = Vodka + Milk
Freezer = Mechanism + Ice
Clock = Sand + Glass
Cheese = Milk + Bacteria
Total Elements: 196

Easter Eggs (Chapter 3)
Religion = Apple + Cellphone
Money Money Money = Money + Money


Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

How to unlock


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