Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock will immerse gamers in the universe of Doctor Who, allowing them to take on the role of the Doctor and River Song as they travel across time and space to save the Earth. Gamers must learn to master the complexities of time travel with exceptional time based game play, changes made in one time will impact another creating multiple possibilities and challenging players to solve puzzles across the centuries.


Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock will immerse gamers in the universe of Doctor Who, allowing them to take on the role of the Doctor and River Song as they travel across time and space to save the Earth. Gamers must learn to master the complexities of time travel with exceptional time based game play, changes made in one time will impact another creating multiple possibilities and challenging players to solve puzzles across the centuries.

SuperMassive Games, BBC Worldwide
SuperMassive Games
Action Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.
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Time Lord (Platinum): Collect all Trophies.
Smooth Operator (Bronze): Press 10 TARDIS console buttons.
Thorough (Bronze): Scan 10 objects.
Head scratcher (Bronze): Collect 5 Hats.
Paper trail (Bronze): Collect 5 Diary pages.
Brimming with enthusiasm (Bronze): Collect 10 Hats.
Short story (Bronze): Collect 10 Diary pages.
Hat's off to you (Silver): Collect 20 Hats.
Long story (Silver): Collect 20 Diary pages.
Universal Destruction Avoided (Silver): Complete the game.
Flying Doctor (Silver): Complete the game in 300 minutes.
Puzzler (Bronze): Complete the game on puzzle medium difficulty.
High IQ (Silver): Complete the game on puzzle hard.
Diarist (Gold): Collect all the Diary Pages.
Mad Hatter (Gold): Collect all the Hats.

Additionally there are thirty three secret trophies.

Crate work (Bronze): Use the gold bullion crate to smash your way out of the Bank of England.
The Stormcage Redemption (Silver): Escape the Stormcage without being detected.
Pucker Up (Silver): Kiss 6 Stormcage Guards.
Quick Getaway (Silver): Escape Stormcage in 8 minutes.
Fast on your feet (Bronze): Beat the Cybermen to the Underground refugee camp.
On the right tracks (Bronze): Defeat the Cybermen in the Underground refugee camp.
Stunning work (Bronze): Stun 5 Cybermen.
A Plumb Job (Bronze): Re-route the gas pipe plans in Victorian London.
Hack Job (Bronze): Open the security door in the office block.
Tested to Destruction (Bronze): Re-route the thermionic consoles in the Cyberfactory.
Deleted (Silver): Finish the Cyberfactory in 20 minutes.
The Open Road (Bronze): Lower the drawbridge on Old London Bridge.
No time to hang around (Bronze): Collect the Stasis Field Generator in the Silence Base.
Elementary (Silver): Finish return to Victorian London in 15 minutes.
Soundly Beaten (Bronze): Sonic disarm 5 Silurians.
Hello Sweetie (Bronze): Wake up River in the tomb.
Silently Silencing the Silence (Bronze): Outwit the Silence without being checkpointed.
Toxic Relationship (Bronze): Defeat Vekkis.
Goodbye Blue Boy (Bronze): Outwit the Strategist Dalek.
The Eyes have it (Bronze): Quick-shoot 5 Daleks.
Beg for Mercy (Silver): Power-shoot 5 Daleks.
Ye Doctor (Bronze): Discover the statue in the Elizabethan quadrangle.
Winch Way Next (Bronze): Activate the crane winch in Old St. Pauls.
A steal (Bronze): Defeat the Silence and steal their time capsule.
Hello Sexy (Bronze): Find the TARDIS in the Dalek time lock.
Sent packing (Bronze): Send the Dalek Supreme to Antarctica.
Exterminated (Silver): Finish time-locked London in 20 minutes.
One in the eye for the good guy (Bronze): Shoot the Emperor Dalek in the eyestalk.
Geronimo! (Bronze): Defeat the Emperor of the Daleks.
Clever clogs (Bronze): Complete Data Link puzzle in 60 seconds.
Smart Cookie (Bronze): Complete Re-router puzzle in 60 seconds.
Clear Vision (Bronze): Complete Mind Map puzzle on Medium or Hard in 60 seconds.
Timey Wimey (Silver): Complete a Time Corridor in 2 minutes.



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