Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

With high-definition graphics, including beautiful high-res 2D sprite art and stunning spell effects, one of the most highly-acclaimed and beloved strategy RPG series is making the jump to the next generation of gaming with Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice for PLAYSTATION3. Re-enter the world of Disgaea and experience all of the humor, zany characters, thrilling action, and unmatched excitement in this all-new 100+ hour adventure!


Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

With high-definition graphics, including beautiful high-res 2D sprite art and stunning spell effects, one of the most highly-acclaimed and beloved strategy RPG series is making the jump to the next generation of gaming with Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice for PLAYSTATION3. Re-enter the world of Disgaea and experience all of the humor, zany characters, thrilling action, and unmatched excitement in this all-new 100+ hour adventure!

Nippon Ichi Software, NIS America
Nippon Ichi Software
Strategy > Turn-Based > Tactics
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Accessing New Vita Content Early

Load up the game and highlight continue. Input Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X. If you do this right, then you will hear Maos voice. After this, start the game normally. You'll now find the Parallel Worlder at the bottom levels of the base under the stairs. After clearing the tutorial, talk to him and the new content will become available to you.

Cameo Characters

How to unlock


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cameo character.

Aramis: Complete Class World Command Attack with less than 145 commands.
Asagi: Complete Extra Map 4.
Axel: Complete Extra Map 6.
Beyond X: Lose against Raspberyl in Stage 1-5.
Fuka and Desco: Complete "Death Inst., Majin Academy Part 2", then unlock the Postgame.
Hero Prinny and mid-Boss: Complete "First Love!? Legend Of The Super Delinquint", then unlock the Postgame.
Laharl, Etna, and Flonne: Complete Extra Map 7.
Gig and Revya: Complete "Evil Academy Culture Fair", then unlock the Postgame.
Marona: Complete Extra Map 5.
Master Big Star: Complete Extra Map 1.
Pleinair: In Survival mode, get 7 Level Spheres and wish for the Mascot character.
Prinny Mask: Play the main story again.
Prism Red: Complete Extra Map 3.
Rutile and Stella Grossular: Complete "Death Inst., Majin Academy Part 2".
Salvatore: Complete Extra Map 2.
Super Hero Aurum: Unlock the postgame, then reach the Fourth Period in Raspberyl mode.

To unlock the following DLC characters, finish the main storyline, then complete the indicated task.

Gordon: Complete the Second Period of Raspberyl mode.
Jennifer: Complete the Second Period of Raspberyl mode.
Kurtis: Complete the First Period of Raspberyl mode.
Prinny Kurtis: Complete the First Period of Raspberyl mode.
Thurdsay: Complete the Second Period of Raspberyl mode.
Tink: Complete the Third Period of Raspberyl mode.


How to unlock

Easier Homeroom Success

This will make it easier to pass topics in the Homeroom. If you press the X button just as the representatives say "Aye" the gauge on the right hand side of the screen will jump up much further (it plays a different 'dwoop' noise to cofirn if you got it). If you press X in time with the voting chances are the topic will pass.


How to Unlock

Hero Prinny and Mid-Boss

Clear "First love!? Legend of the Super Delinquint" , then reach the postgame.

How to get them all Diez Gentlemen

Each of the Diez Gentlemen can be acquired by starting a New Game+ while Mao is at at a certain level or above.

How to Unlock

Item, Class World, Survival Attack

Unlock the Postgame, then talk to the Angel NPC by the Dimension Guide.

Outfit Shop (Raspberyl)

Complete Raspberyl mode.



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