Angry Birds Star Wars

Angry Birds Star Wars

Angry Birds Star Wars

Join an epic adventure with the Angry Birds in the legendary Star Wars universe, re-mastered for gaming systems! Use the Force, wield your Lightsaber, and blast away Pigtroopers on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of Tatooine to the depths of the Pig Star! Can you become a Jedi Master and restore freedom to the galaxy?


Angry Birds Star Wars

Join an epic adventure with the Angry Birds in the legendary Star Wars universe, re-mastered for gaming systems! Use the Force, wield your Lightsaber, and blast away Pigtroopers on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of Tatooine to the depths of the Pig Star! Can you become a Jedi Master and restore freedom to the galaxy?

Exient Entertainment, Activision
Exient Entertainment
Strategy > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Secret Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation trophy rewards.
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Congratulations! (Platinum): You have unlocked the Platinum Trophy!
Mighty Launch (Bronze): Mighty Falcon Launched (in Single Player Mode).
Falcon Escape (Bronze): 100% destruction with Falcon (in Single Player Mode).
Hyperspace (Bronze): 100% destruction with Falcon 50 times (in Single Player Mode).
That's No Moon (Bronze): Tatooine completed.
Tatooine - The Force (Bronze): Tatooine: Get 2,380,000 points.
Disturbing Misobedience (Bronze): Death Star completed.
Death Star - The Force (Bronze): Death Star: Get 3,180,000 points.
Courage of Jedi (Bronze): Path of the Jedi completed.
Path of the Jedi – The Force (Gold): Path of the Jedi: Get 3,250,000 points.
Probe Explorer (Bronze): 1 droid level found.
Probe Gatherer (Bronze): 5 droid levels found.
Jedi Initiate (Bronze): 50 blocks smashed with saber.
Jedi Knight (Bronze): 500 blocks smashed with saber.
Jedi Master (Bronze): 2000 blocks smashed with saber.
Force Learner (Bronze): 2000 blocks thrown with Force.
Ultimate Laser Shooter (Bronze): 1000 blocks smashed with blaster laser.
Skilled Pilot (Bronze): 500 blocks smashed with Pilot.
Magnificent Grumble (Bronze): 300 blocks smashed with Chewbacca.
Prominent Jedi (Bronze): Three lasers deflected with saber (in Single Player Mode).
Target Shooter (Bronze): Three pigs shot with a single blaster shot (in Single Player Mode).
Star Bird Fan (Bronze): Angry Birds Star Wars played for 5 hours.
True Star Bird Fan (Bronze): Angry Birds Star Wars played for 15 hours.
Fly Bird Fly (Bronze): 5000 birds launched.
There's No-one Here (Bronze): Stormtrooper shot another trooper (in Single Player mode).
Imperial Entanglement (Bronze): Stormtrooper popped with Tie Fighter's wing (in Single Player mode).
Walking Carpet (Bronze): Same turret shot Chewbacca 6 times with a direct hit (in Single Player Mode).
Simple Pigs and Nonsense (Bronze): 300 stormtroopers popped.
The Birds Will Be With You (Bronze): 10 levels completed with one bird.
Lack of Faith (Bronze): Level restarted 100 times.
Pork side of the Force (Bronze): Fail level 10 times with one pig left (in Single Player Mode).
Fatal Attraction (Bronze): Lift 500 blocks with gravitational field disruptor.
Transport Is Away (Bronze): Hoth completed.
Hoth - The Force (Bronze): Hoth: Get 3,450,000 points.
Mynock Tangle (Bronze): Mynock popped with another mynock in 6 levels (in Single Player Mode).
Block Buster (Bronze): Smash 25 blocks with a single flight of Boba.

Additionally there are fifteen secret trophies.: Tatooine – All Stars (Silver): Tatooine: Three stars in all levels.

Death Star – All Stars (Silver): Death Star: Three stars in all levels.
Jettisoned Jetpacks (Bronze): Collect all 5 Jetpacks.
Path of the Jedi – All Stars (Silver): Path of the Jedi: Three stars in all levels.
Star Bird Addict (Gold): Angry Birds Star Wars played for 30 hours.
Hoth – All Stars (Silver): Hoth: Three stars in all levels.
There is no try (Bronze): Play a multiplayer game with a total of four people .
The circle is now complete (Silver): Complete the Exclusive Levels.
All too easy (Gold): Exclusive Levels: Three stars in all levels.
Thank the maker! (Bronze): Unlock your first secret from the Extras menu.
Well, look at you! (Bronze): Earn your first bonus score in a multiplayer match.
No more training do you require (Bronze): Unlock 5 different bonus scores within the multiplayer mode.
The Force is strong (Bronze): Unlock all of the bonus scores within the multiplayer mode.
Impressive (Bronze): Collect your first character sticker.
Most Impressive (Bronze): Collect 10 character stickers.



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