


Scramble your fighter and take on the enemy! The base is heavily guarded and you must guide your ship through five levels of enemy defenses before you can destroy your objective.



Scramble your fighter and take on the enemy! The base is heavily guarded and you must guide your ship through five levels of enemy defenses before you can destroy your objective.

Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Horizontal
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Programmer credits

Hold Down on controller one while the "Game Number Player Number" screen. Keep holding Down after game play begins so your ship intentionally crashes on the ground before the mountains start. Repeat this for all ships and do not push any buttons to fire or drop bombs. The word "End" will appear. Press 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 on controller two to change "End" into the programmer's credits.

Programmer credits

Hold Down on controller one while the "Game Number Player Number" screen. Keep holding Down after game play begins so your ship intentionally crashes on the ground before the mountains start. Repeat this for all ships and do not push any buttons to fire or drop bombs. The word "End" will appear. Press 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 on controller two to change "End" into the programmer's credits.

View Programmer's Easter Egg

At the ''game # player #'' screen, hold Down on the joystick until all your ships crash and ''end'' appears. Unplug the controller and plug it into the second port. Then press all four buttons simultaneously and the word ''end'' will change.


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