In a savage display of pounding moves and lightning action, robotic boxers from around the globe step into a futuristic ring. Mirroring the movements of the humans in control, each Teleroboxer is capable of surviving defense matches unbearable to mankind.
Slug it out to the staggering end to determine the true world champion. Created with specialized Techtronic powers and unique personalities, these responsive machines show no mercy on their way to the brutal top.
In a savage display of pounding moves and lightning action, robotic boxers from around the globe step into a futuristic ring. Mirroring the movements of the humans in control, each Teleroboxer is capable of surviving defense matches unbearable to mankind.
Slug it out to the staggering end to determine the true world champion. Created with specialized Techtronic powers and unique personalities, these responsive machines show no mercy on their way to the brutal top.
In a savage display of pounding moves and lightning action, robotic boxers from around the globe step into a futuristic ring. Mirroring the movements of the humans in control, each Teleroboxer is capable of surviving defense matches unbearable to mankind.
Slug it out to the staggering end to determine the true world champion. Created with specialized Techtronic powers and unique personalities, these responsive machines show no mercy on their way to the brutal top.
In a savage display of pounding moves and lightning action, robotic boxers from around the globe step into a futuristic ring. Mirroring the movements of the humans in control, each Teleroboxer is capable of surviving defense matches unbearable to mankind.
Slug it out to the staggering end to determine the true world champion. Created with specialized Techtronic powers and unique personalities, these responsive machines show no mercy on their way to the brutal top.
Nintendo R&D1, Nintendo
Sports > Individual > Combat > Boxing / Martial Arts
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Beat the Bomb Bot
Keep hitting the bot until he starts to explode. Next, use multiple power uppercuts on him. If timed correctly, you should defeat the robot without getting killed.
Beat the Cat
After you beat the game without any losses you will have to be prepared to fight the CAT BOSS. When he throws a punch block it the punch opposite of him. If he punches towards your face, you punch towards his mid-section. It takes a while to wear him down, but if done correctly you'll be a the Telero Boxer Champion!
Beat the Kangaroo
To beat the kangaroo (the sixth enemy you face), simply throw uppercuts wildly. As soon as he is about to throw something, he should get socked and jump around again. Don't be afraid if you get hit a couple times. You should be sending more than you're receiving and eventually win. It should help if you don't throw all lefts or all rights.
Beat the Second Boxer
To defeat the second boxer, keep your guard up until he ducks his dead down by his waist. Wait for him to try a hook, and immediately block it. If you're successful he'll be stunned. Take advantage of his condition with a punch to the gut.
Beat the Third Boxer
Whenever he goes down then hits you from the side do the red hand uppercut. The rest of the time block his moves.
Cat boxer
Obtain a perfect record by defeating every boxer with no losses to face a boxer that resembles a cat.
Control robot
Press Left Trigger and Right Trigger during the opening sequence to control the punches of the robot floating behind the human.
Controlling the Opening Sequence
By pressing either the Left Trigger or Right Trigger during the opening sequence, you can control the punches of the robot floating behind the human.
Fight a secret boxer
Defeat every boxer with no loses to face a secret one.
Hint: Perfect record
Turn the Virtual Boy off before the static disappears after your boxer is knocked out. The game will not register the loss, and will continue at the same competitor.