Mario's Tennis
Mario's Tennis
Smashing tennis action with incredible depth on a realistic 3-D court! Experience the ultimate Virtual Boy sports game in either singles or doubles mode.
Smashing tennis action with incredible depth on a realistic 3-D court! Experience the ultimate Virtual Boy sports game in either singles or doubles mode.
Mario's Tennis
Smashing tennis action with incredible depth on a realistic 3-D court! Experience the ultimate Virtual Boy sports game in either singles or doubles mode.
Smashing tennis action with incredible depth on a realistic 3-D court! Experience the ultimate Virtual Boy sports game in either singles or doubles mode.
Sports > Individual > Tennis
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Bonus characters
Successfully complete the game under singles mode using Mario five times, Donkey Kong five times, and Koopa five times. Wario and Rush (Mega Man's companion) will become selectable characters.
Hard mode
On the Title screen, press L, L, R, L, R, SELECT
Harder serve
Press A and B to start the serve
Expert mode
Press Left Trigger(2), Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Select at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
More powerful serve
Press A + B to start the serve.