Enter the futuristic year of 1984, an age where ducks run wild in a frantic battle for glory. Win over the crowd and gain a following by blasting your feathered friends with Shotguns, Net Guns, Mind Control Rays, Saxophones, Magnet Guns, and pretty much anything else a duck could use as a weapon. One hit and you're roasted. This is DUCK GAME. Don't blink. Grab some friends, choose a hat, then shoot each other in the face. Enjoy lightning-fast rounds, online multiplayer, and an irresponsible number of weapons! It's ducks beating the stuffing out of each other.
Enter the futuristic year of 1984, an age where ducks run wild in a frantic battle for glory. Win over the crowd and gain a following by blasting your feathered friends with Shotguns, Net Guns, Mind Control Rays, Saxophones, Magnet Guns, and pretty much anything else a duck could use as a weapon. One hit and you're roasted. This is DUCK GAME. Don't blink. Grab some friends, choose a hat, then shoot each other in the face. Enjoy lightning-fast rounds, online multiplayer, and an irresponsible number of weapons! It's ducks beating the stuffing out of each other.