Bye Sweet Carol

Bye Sweet Carol

Bye Sweet Carol

Bye Sweet Carole is a chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies and created by Chris Darril (Remothered series). Follow the last known whereabouts of Carole Simmons to uncover the dark truth behind the Bunny Hall orphanage…

Set in the early 1900s, in an age where the phenomenon of the feminist political movement begins to shake the British nation, young Lana Benton, guest of the eerie Bunny Hall orphanage, is the only one to suspect that her best friend Carole didn't just run away. The secret correspondence between Carole and a mysterious...



Bye Sweet Carol

Bye Sweet Carole is a chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies and created by Chris Darril (Remothered series). Follow the last known whereabouts of Carole Simmons to uncover the dark truth behind the Bunny Hall orphanage…

Set in the early 1900s, in an age where the phenomenon of the feminist political movement begins to shake the British nation, young Lana Benton, guest of the eerie Bunny Hall orphanage, is the only one to suspect that her best friend Carole didn't just run away. The secret correspondence between Carole and a mysterious...


Maximum Games
Release Date (US)
Rating Pending

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Bye Sweet Carol (Nintendo Switch). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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