Virtual Wars

Virtual Wars

Virtual Wars

As a movie. The Lawnmower Man exploded the boundaries of graphics technology. As a game, it will blow your mind with a dazzling blend of breath-taking 3D and blockbustin action.It all begins in the shadow research agency known as 'The Ship.' Here, the brilliant but maverick scientist Dr. Angelo uses Jobe, a simple Lawnmower Man, as a guinea pig in his Virtual Reality experiment...and creates a monster, transforming him into the superhuman CyberJobe who vows to dominate mankind. Now the race is on to destroy The Shop before CyberJobe can break out of their computer system and reach the global...


Virtual Wars

As a movie. The Lawnmower Man exploded the boundaries of graphics technology. As a game, it will blow your mind with a dazzling blend of breath-taking 3D and blockbustin action.It all begins in the shadow research agency known as 'The Ship.' Here, the brilliant but maverick scientist Dr. Angelo uses Jobe, a simple Lawnmower Man, as a guinea pig in his Virtual Reality experiment...and creates a monster, transforming him into the superhuman CyberJobe who vows to dominate mankind. Now the race is on to destroy The Shop before CyberJobe can break out of their computer system and reach the global...

The Sales Curve, THQ
The Sales Curve
Action > General
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Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Pause the game and press B, R, R, A, Select, Select, Y, A, B, Y, A, B, then unpause and repause and press R, A, Select, Y.
Infinite Lives
Press L or R repeatedly when the Super Cheat Mode is in effect.
Slow Motion
Enter the Super Cheat Mode Code then pause and press A,L,L
Stage Select
Enter the Super Cheat Mode Code then pause the game and press A.
Stage Skip
Pause the game and press B, R, A, SELECT, SELECT, Y, A, B, Y, A, B.
Super Cheat Mode


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