Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge

Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge

Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge

You can play a boring old normal sports video... OR GO TOTALLY WACKY WITH YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS SUPERSTARS IN SIX ALL-STAR EVENTS!It's not just one game, but six zany sports challenges! Suit up as Buster Bunny or Babs Bunny and compete in baseball, football, soccer, basketball, tennis and golf.Featuring TWO ALL NEW GAME MODES - the Acme Sports Festival and the Wackyland Carnival. At the Sports Festival, you've got to qualify before going for the world record. Or visit the Wackyland Carnival and compete in TWO BONUS EVENTS - the Water Squirting Challenge and the Water Panic Game.THREE...


Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge

You can play a boring old normal sports video... OR GO TOTALLY WACKY WITH YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS SUPERSTARS IN SIX ALL-STAR EVENTS!It's not just one game, but six zany sports challenges! Suit up as Buster Bunny or Babs Bunny and compete in baseball, football, soccer, basketball, tennis and golf.Featuring TWO ALL NEW GAME MODES - the Acme Sports Festival and the Wackyland Carnival. At the Sports Festival, you've got to qualify before going for the world record. Or visit the Wackyland Carnival and compete in TWO BONUS EVENTS - the Water Squirting Challenge and the Water Panic Game.THREE...

Sports > Individual > Other
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