Rushing Beat Shura

Rushing Beat Shura

Rushing Beat Shura

After years of worldwide war, a single corporation rises to power and promises an age of prosperity, enforced by its army of robots, The PeaceKeepers.But something's not quite right, rumors of people horribly altered by genetic experiements. Stories of PeaceKeeper robots going beserk, creating chaos an destruction. And while most of the world ignores these stories, a handful of young heroes decide to check things out for themselves.You control the heroes in this fast-paced, action-packed, fight to the finish. Get comfortable with each character's awesome special moves, but learn your enemies...


Rushing Beat Shura

After years of worldwide war, a single corporation rises to power and promises an age of prosperity, enforced by its army of robots, The PeaceKeepers.But something's not quite right, rumors of people horribly altered by genetic experiements. Stories of PeaceKeeper robots going beserk, creating chaos an destruction. And while most of the world ignores these stories, a handful of young heroes decide to check things out for themselves.You control the heroes in this fast-paced, action-packed, fight to the finish. Get comfortable with each character's awesome special moves, but learn your enemies...

Jaleco Entertainment
Jaleco Entertainment
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)


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