Rushing Beat

Rushing Beat

Rushing Beat

They're rough, they're tough, and they're tired of the street punks that have taken over their turf. And that spells trouble for trash-talkin' Big Al and his mob of inner city riff-raff. Because these brothers are out to take back the streets, no matter what it takes--and they won't stop punching, kicking, and slamming until they clear the trash from every alley in America!


Rushing Beat

They're rough, they're tough, and they're tired of the street punks that have taken over their turf. And that spells trouble for trash-talkin' Big Al and his mob of inner city riff-raff. Because these brothers are out to take back the streets, no matter what it takes--and they won't stop punching, kicking, and slamming until they clear the trash from every alley in America!

Jaleco Entertainment
Jaleco Entertainment
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Change names for every character in the game

Play through the game until you get to enter your name in the high score screen. When at the high score screen, enter your name as CHRCONF. After you do that, a hidden character config screen will appear, letting you change each character's name.

Edit characters

Enter CHRCONF as a name on the high-score screen. A character configuration option will appear.

Hidden Level 4 Warp

Defeat at least thirty enemies. Locate the door on level 4 and press Up to jump to the end of the level to fight the Boss.


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