Mega Man X
Release Date (US)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Boss Weaknesses
Chill Pengiun- Fire Wave
Launch Octopus- Rolling Shield
Boomer Kuwanger- Hooming Missle
Storm Eagle- Chameleon Sting
Flame Mamoth- Storm Tornado
Spark Mandrill- Shotgun Ice
Sting Chameleon- Boomerang Cutter
Armored Armadillo- Spark
Sigma Stage 1 Spider Weakness- Shotgun Ice
Sigma Stage 2 Robotic Face Weakness- Chameleon Sting
Sigma Stage 3 Attack Vehicle Weakness- Boomerang Cutter
Sigma's Weakness- Spark
Sigma's Head Weakness- can only be damaged by Rolling Shield
Vile- Vile is weak against almost all weapons
Easy Mode
For some reason, if you go through the game a certain order, the game is much easier. Do the levels in this order:
Chill Penguin
Storm Eagle
Spark Mandrill
Armored Armidillo
Flame Mammoth
Sting Chameleon
Launch Octopus
Boomer Kwanger
and, oviously, Sigma.
Easy way to defeat Armored Armadillo
This is one of the most annoying bosses out there, for the simple fact that he blocks so much. To take care of this, defeat spark mandrill to get his weapon, then when the Armadillo is in -plain sight, give him one shot. His armor falls off, and you go from fighting Armed Armadillo to Naked Armadillo. Now, he's really easy, and funny to look at.
Easy Way to defeat Boomer Kwanger
You'll need Launch Octopuss' weapon for this. Just use the homing torpedos to induce serious damage AND make him faulter.
Easy way to defeat Flame Mammoth
To bring the elephant down, its rather simple. Beat Storm Eagle and get his Tornado Shot. Go to Flame Mammoth's stage and find him. Use the Tornado to knock him straight on his bum. Be careful though, he weighs a lot. He's dangerous just by falling.
Easy way to defeat Launch Octopus
To beat Launch Octopus with ease, you need to defeat Armed Armadillo. His weapon does major damage to the invertabrate, but sadly has no amusing effects. Enjoy.
Easy way to defeat Spark Mandrill
Wanna show the monkey whose boss? Of course you do! First, you need to defeat chill penguin. Get his ice blaster and find Spark Mandrill. Shoot him with it to not only do major dmage, but to freeze him in his tracks. That's right! He gets frozen. Just kill him any way you choose.
Easy way to defeat Strom Eagle
Storm Eagle can be a pain in the neck if you don't know how do deal with him. His biggest strength is that he can blow you off the arena. This requires the Dash Boots. When he shoots his gusts, continually press the dash button until you're close enough to him. Shooting him while dashing is also a good way to inflict major damage.
Easy way to defeat Vile
Use Launch Octopus' Homing Torpedo to do massive damage. Sadly, there are not amusing effects.
Extra lives
Go to Armored Armadillo's stage. Jump on the first mine cart and jump off, so it rolls away without you. On the ceiling there are little roosts with bats on them. Run until you see one with a different bat on it. This bat is actually from an original Mega Man game. Destroy the bat. It should drop a life. If it doesn't, run back until its roost goes completely off the screen. Run back towards the roost and the bat will be back. It will usually drop a life when shot. Repeat until you have 9 lifes!