Madden 95

Madden 95

Madden 95

Madden 95


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Madden 95 (Super Nintendo). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

One Minute Game Time

On the screen where you choose your teams, highlight the "Game Time" option and press L, R, L, R, X. You will then be able to select a one minute game time.

Expansion Teams

Before beginning a new game, go to the Game Setup screen (the one with two helmets at the top of the screen), highlight either the "Home" or "Visiting Team" option and press the following codes to be the expansion teams :

For the Jacksonville Jaguars, press: L, R, L, R, A

For the Carolina Panthers, press: L, R, L, R, Y


They will both have 99 for all of their team statistics.
These codes can only be used in "Exhibition" mode.


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