Cacoma Knight

Cacoma Knight

Cacoma Knight

King Cacoma, the goofy golfing ruler of Bizyland needs you. Evil Queen Wagamama with the help of her meddling mirror have cast a spell on his Kingdom. Precious Princess Ophelia is trapped in the mirror! Bizyland has turned desolate and grey! Everyone but three slacking subjects are effected by the spell. It's up to you to grab the magic chalk and guide the quest to reclaim Bizyland and save the princess.


Cacoma Knight

King Cacoma, the goofy golfing ruler of Bizyland needs you. Evil Queen Wagamama with the help of her meddling mirror have cast a spell on his Kingdom. Precious Princess Ophelia is trapped in the mirror! Bizyland has turned desolate and grey! Everyone but three slacking subjects are effected by the spell. It's up to you to grab the magic chalk and guide the quest to reclaim Bizyland and save the princess.

Affect, Seta Corporation
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)

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Cheat Codes/Hints


At the mode select screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Left, B, A
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