Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou

Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou

Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou

Battle Commander is a Strategy game, developed by Arc System Works and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1991.


Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou

Battle Commander is a Strategy game, developed by Arc System Works and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1991.

Arc System Works, Banpresto
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Scenario Select

Start the game and save it (highlight the square in the middle, choose the second option from the bottom on the right, then choose the top option and press B.). Reset, then at the title screen, highlight New Game and press B, Up, Y, A, Left, Up, Down, Right, A, B, Right, X. A sound will confirm correct entry. Press B a number of times corresponding to the desired scenario minus 1 (e.g. 4 times for scenario 5), then press Start to start the game at the chosen scenario.


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