Addams Family, The

Addams Family, The

Addams Family, The

Addams Family, The

Ocean Software
Ocean Software
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Get an Extra Item

Watch the demo then when Fester receives and item, press Start and you will get that item when you start the game.

Hidden Bonus Room

When you lose your last life, head over to the door that says continue. Don't go through, just keep walking left and you'll enter a bonus room with four extra lives.


Effect Password
100 Lives 11111
100 Lives, 3 Hearts, Sword 71117
100 Lives, 4 Hearts, Sword W111W
100 Lives, 5 Hearts, Sword 21112
100 Lives, All Family Rescued, 5 Hearts, Golf Ball B211T
100 Lives, All Family Rescued, 5 Hearts, No Item BB11L
100 Lives, All Family Rescued, 5 Hearts, Sword 2B11T
5 Hearts, Pugsley rescued BZXYC
62 Lives, 5 Hearts, all Family Members saved, Final Level accessible. BLKGZ
70 Lives BLKX8
72 Lives, Granny rescued BDSXY
80 Lives, 5 Hearts, Granny & Pugsley rescued B&1&B
After Fester BL91B
After Grandma B&J15
After Pugsly V1913
After Wednesday BD#K4
Ending (walk through Music Room) BLS&P
Final door open BLS&P
Maxed Out Code 2211B
Start of Game &#KKN
Start The Game with Giant Budgie Beaten &191?
Start with 3 hearts 99966

Snap Things Fingers

During the opening sequence, press L + R to snap Thing's fingers.

Special Passwords

To start the game with 99 lives, enter: 1 1 1 1 1
To start the game with 99 lives and the hearts, enter: L 1 1 1 L


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