World Cup Soccer

World Cup Soccer

World Cup Soccer

World Championship Soccer kicks-off against an international set of stars for the prized World Championship. To win, you'll move swiftly through qualifying rounds onto the Final Tournament where only the best are lined up for intense competition.Maybe you'll meet the teams of France, Italy or England who play with the unusual bravado. Long on strategy, they prove worthy contenders against the fiery speed of their Latin counterparts from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. But nothing beats the determination of China and Japan whose team credo remains, "Never say die!". And these are just some of...


World Cup Soccer

World Championship Soccer kicks-off against an international set of stars for the prized World Championship. To win, you'll move swiftly through qualifying rounds onto the Final Tournament where only the best are lined up for intense competition.Maybe you'll meet the teams of France, Italy or England who play with the unusual bravado. Long on strategy, they prove worthy contenders against the fiery speed of their Latin counterparts from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. But nothing beats the determination of China and Japan whose team credo remains, "Never say die!". And these are just some of...

Sports > Team > Soccer > Sim
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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for World Cup Soccer (Sega Genesis). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for World Cup Soccer (Sega Genesis). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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